Bad habits for health

No matter how long you've lived with unhealthy habits, it's never too late to change

You think that your physical condition is not good, but in fact, those minor illnesses are often caused by small details in daily life. No matter how long you have lived with unhealthy habits, it is not too late for you to change. Learn how to start living a happier, healthier life.

Bad habits for health Picture 1Bad habits for health Picture 1 Bad habits for health

Think about whether you have one of the following "trivial" habits. If yes, readjust the rhythm of your life, find the right rules to stay healthy.

Here are 10 habits that will not be good for your health


Wear a pair of shoes every day that you don't change

Because our feet and other parts of our body can sweat, so shoes after a day of wearing them all become wet and it takes at least 24 hours to be completely dry and ventilated. Wearing only one pair of shoes a day will make your feet stay wet for a long time, and will also easily breed disease-causing bacteria.

Recommendation: You should prepare 2-3 pairs of changing shoes. When you go home, you need to wear breathable sandals to give your shoes a chance to "rest" after a tiring day of "work" and let your feet breathe.


Wear tight clothes

Tight clothes help show off the perfect curves of the body, but if you still wear the old set when the body has reached "Size", it will be easy to squeeze the internal organs, causing abdominal pain, bloating, This increases the burden on the heart, which in turn causes feelings of fatigue and discomfort.

If you wear pants that are too tight, the taste will run back. Acid reflux will irritate the esophagus, causing chest tightness, chest pain. At the same time, wearing tight pants for a long time is not conducive to the movement of gas in the body, causing abdominal distension, and the so-called "painful venting" symptoms.

Recommendation: In addition to the purpose of slimming, you should buy yourself loose and airy clothes to replace with tight clothes.


Washing clothes saves water

Although saving water is a very good act to protect the environment, if washing clothes is too water-saving, not removing all the detergent and dirt on the clothes will lead to skin diseases.

Recommendation: when washing clothes, use water, use water, wash all dirt and soap on clothes, do not "close your eyes" to save water to harm your health.


Carrying things that are too heavy

In today's modern society "men and women are equal" in everything, the hard manual labor that was once only available to men can now be performed by weak women. But women should not "shoulder the responsibility" without paying attention to their own strength, going to do things beyond the body's tolerance.

Doctors said that many cases of fractures, dislocations and even misaligned jaws were caused by carrying and carrying too heavy loads.

Recommendation: Do not "destroy" the body. Items that are too heavy to be carried should not be carried. When carrying or carrying heavy objects, try your best to keep the heavy objects close to your body.


Walking barefoot when waking up

A lot of foot diseases come from here. Every day our feet have to "bear" the heavy weight of the whole body, so every day there are some parts of the foot that suffer to a certain extent. These injuries all need through the evening rest time to recover. If you wake up barefoot in the morning, it will increase the burden of your heels, and the "organizations" that have just been restored at night are also hurt and hurt again because of that.

Recommendation: When you wake up in the morning or at home, you should wear flat sandals.


Clip the headset on the shoulder to listen to the phone

This movement is very easy to cause muscle pain in the neck and back. To prevent the headset from slipping, many people "naturally" grip the headset tightly, which will add to the burden of the neck and back muscles. Moreover, the muscles between the neck and back that are under "stress" for a long time will appear to have muscle contractions.

This "natural gathering" movement can also cause more serious diseases. A patient in France, who had been holding the phone between his chin and shoulder for a long time, became blind in his left eye and had difficulty talking.

Recommendation: When answering the phone, you should use a headset, use the mode without picking up the phone or keep the correct sitting posture.


Casually put your head to sleep

Due to busy work, or due to limited conditions, many people "can't sleep". On the chair, in the car, wherever it is convenient, you can put your head down to sleep right away.

Sleep is a process of restoring physical strength, eliminating fatigue. Without letting the body relax comfortably, fully, sleep will not be able to promote its inherent effects, but can also cause aches and even muscle fatigue.

Recommendation: You should avoid sleeping in a place other than a bed. If the condition really does not exist, it is better to sleep for a while and then wake up for a while, that is better than sleeping in an uncomfortable place.


Don't wash your toothbrush

Do toothbrushes need to be washed? That's right. A toothbrush every day comes to "visit" our mouth 1-2 times, of course, its hygiene should not be taken lightly. In fact, when the toothbrush "washes" the oral cavity for us, it will infect all kinds of dirt including bacteria, in addition to the toothbrush in a humid hygienic environment, the more bacteria are infected. easy to grow. One study showed that after using a toothbrush for 15 days, if you don't "wash" it, it will breed bacteria.

Recommendation: After brushing, it is necessary to rinse the brush, paying special attention to washing off the food and toothpaste left on it. People who have just recovered from a cold must definitely remember to change their toothbrushes.


Sitting motionless on the plane

Sitting for a long time "holding the chair" will put extra pressure on the leg muscles and the back, and will even cause blood clots and blood clots. Sitting for a long time "motionless" on the plane is even more dangerous. The gravity of the earth makes the blood flow to the heart, but on the plane, the gravity of the earth is noticeably weaker, the blood flows easily into the lungs. If there is a blood clot, it can lead to death due to pulmonary embolism.

Recommendation: When sitting on an airplane, do not sit still, get up and move around.


Long time without blinking

This is a common habit in the office "people", often in contact with computers, eyes just staring at the computer screen, even minutes without blinking. This can cause computer eye syndrome such as watery eyes, impaired vision, uncomfortable feeling when wearing contact lenses.

Recommendation: Eyes see for a short time need to pay attention to rest, blinking is the simplest and most effective way.

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