11 daily habits silently destroy health without you knowing
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Things that we often do everyday are not always as simple as we think. Some of them may be harmful to health, even life-threatening. The Bright Side page has compiled a list of 11 daily habits that silently ruin your health without your knowledge . Please join us and take care of yourself!
1. Sit cross-legged
11 daily habits silently destroy health without you knowing Picture 1 © pexels.com
The first person to talk about the health effects of sitting cross-legged is a functional food manufacturing company in 1999. They even launched a large-scale campaign in the US called The Great Cross. -Out . This is not really a fraudulent advertisement, because studies also show that sitting cross-legged ( on a chair or on the floor ) causes high blood pressure, varicose veins and danger to the nervous system.
2. Feed the bird
11 daily habits silently destroy health without you knowing Picture 2 © depositphotos.com
Feeding pigeons is one of the favorite outdoor activities of everyone, including children. But unfortunately this is not only fun but also dangerous. The probability of a bird carrying infectious disease is over 50%. Pigeons can carry pathogens such as bird virus disease ( ornithosis ), typhoid, E.COLI diarrhea, pasteurellosis, Newcastle disease, chickpeas, tuberculosis, rabbit fever, toxoplasmosis ( parasitic infection) can cause flu-like symptoms ) . Do you want to know more about other diseases?
3. Wearing poor quality glasses
11 daily habits silently destroy health without you knowing Picture 3 © depositphotos.com
To save costs, manufacturers often use cheap plastics that don't protect their eyes from ultraviolet rays, which can lead to burns to the retina . The shadow on the glass causes your eyes to expand and receive twice the ultraviolet rays, even more harmful than without glasses. Excessive absorption of ultraviolet rays can cause cataracts, hurt your eyes or even lead to cancer.
4. Drink too much water
11 daily habits silently destroy health without you knowing Picture 4 © depositphotos.com
Right! Drinking plenty of water is not always good, although don't drink too little. Researchers emphasize that water demand depends on the individual. If you travel a lot and play sports, drink more. If you have kidney or cardiovascular problems, drink less. The best way is to drink when you are thirsty - if you don't feel thirsty, don't drink.
See also: 7 daily habits can ruin your health
5. Cure wounds with hot clothes
11 daily habits silently destroy health without you knowing Picture 5 © depositphotos.com
Using cold or hot items in the pain area alleviates pain. But there are also special diseases that do not use hot water , including bleeding, acute inflammation in the abdomen ( appendicitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis ) and after a sprain or injury.
6. Fry corn and popcorn with a microwave
11 daily habits silently destroy health without you knowing Picture 6 © depositphotos.com
The problem here is not how to cook - but the use of corn at home. The danger here is a chemical called diacetyl. This is a synthetic oil and 2 in 1 flavor. Evaporation when heated, it will enter the lungs and endanger our lungs. You can reduce the risk by letting popcorn cool before eating.
7. Eating at work
11 daily habits silently destroy health without you knowing Picture 7 © depositphotos.com
Currently there are many different types of work, but most of them are not suitable for eating and even more dangerous at work is the accumulation of tons of bacteria that are not good for your digestive system . If the above is still not enough to convince you, the smell of food can disturb your colleagues, your brain needs to rest, your legs need to train and your stomach cannot digest food. while the brain does not focus on digestion.
8. Using slippers
11 daily habits silently destroy health without you knowing Picture 8 © depositphotos.com
Many of us often think, you should use sandals, sandals with straps as a must-have accessory in the summer. So what are the risks here? May be a wound, possibly an insect bite or easy to catch sun, easily infected. And it can spread your whole body.
9. Drink skim milk
11 daily habits silently destroy health without you knowing Picture 9 © depositphotos.com
Fat skim milk sounds like fat-free milk, but it's not true. Even skim milk is not the same as regular milk in terms of health benefits. When fat is extracted from milk, along with lots of beneficial vitamins, it is replaced with unhealthy synthetic substances. Many manufacturers add milk with powdered milk - which can oxidize cholesterol in milk. There is no clinical evidence yet, but laboratory animals that absorb oxidized cholesterol appear arterial plaque that may increase the risk of heart attack.
10. Sitting posture
11 daily habits silently destroy health without you knowing Picture 10 © Ekaterina Gapanovich
Sitting in the wrong position can affect the bone structure and internal organs in humans. Sitting in the right position means the symmetrical position of all agencies. Pay attention to your spine - adjust the seat at the office and the vision in the most appropriate way. Here is a list you should keep in mind:
- The height of the seat should match the length of the leg and the seat should be firm.
- The buttocks occupy at least 2/3 of the seat area.
- The backrest must match the spine.
- Do not sit cross-legged - this hinders blood circulation.
- Sit straight back, head and neck facing forward.
- Don't rush to change your posture when you feel uncomfortable. Let the body muscles be used in the right place. Part of our body will be relaxed, making it a habit, of course this cannot happen immediately.
11. The sleeping posture rolls sideways
11 daily habits silently destroy health without you knowing Picture 11
Many of us like to sleep in a leaning position, this posture helps them feel better sleep. However, this habit can cause health problems, some of which are very serious if not resolved promptly. When you sleep in this position, it causes problems like back pain and lung problems. In addition, lying on your side for a long time puts pressure on all your organs, leading to neurological and heart diseases. It is best to lie straight, the most comfortable natural posture.
See also: How to shorten sleep time but still ensure health?
Having fun!
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