What to eat to make your baby smarter?
Scientists have concluded that nutrition in the fetus and the first years of life is an important factor for the formation and development of the brain and complete nervous system. This is the very material basis of wisdom. The daily diet also provides the necessary nutrients for brain activity and stimulates the process of memory and creativity.
Whether you want to get good results or not is greatly influenced by your educational environment, nutrition, training and striving. From there form the skills of children later. Along with the love and care of the family, proper nutrition will directly affect the optimal physical growth and intellectual development, determining the success in all aspects of the child.
Smart nutrition fully meets basic nutrients such as carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals, and fiber. Along with that, there are important nutrients for brain formation and development such as DHA, ARA. For children's nutritional knowledge and skills, parents also need to have accurate and scientific understanding such as: Feed children at the right time, in the right quantity and with the right quality, with a variety of foods.
Each age, a different diet. When parents apply the right nutrition, in the right way and at the right time, they have built a smart foundation for their children.
What to eat to make your baby smarter? Picture 1 What to eat to make your baby smarter?
Children at each stage of development need different nutrition
- Children 0 - 6 months: Breastfeeding is best, if breast milk is not available, formula 1 should be used.
- Children 7 - 8 months: Learn to eat thin powder and then gradually thicken, from less to more. Milk is still the staple food.
- Children 9 - 12 months: Powder, slightly thickened porridge 1 cup x 3 times per day. A cup of porridge needs to have enough 4 food groups: starch, protein, vegetables and cooking oil. Formula 2 at least 600ml per day.
- Children 13 - 24 months: Condensed porridge 1 cup x 3 times, can practice adding vermicelli, noodles, noodles, pho. Milk for children over one year old or fresh milk at least 700 ml per day.
- Children 24 - 30 months: Practice eating crushed rice and then grain rice with shredded, finely chopped food. Milk at least 700ml a day.
- Children over 36 months: Rice, porridge, vermicelli, noodles, milk and fresh fruit.
Essential foods for brain function
First, you need fat, including saturated fat, unsaturated fat, cholesterol, . in fish fat, vegetable oil, lard. to form the nervous system and nerve cell membranes. Fatty acids are important for the formation of structure and function of the brain such as DHA, ARA, especially important for children, especially in the first 3 years of life.
The only food of the brain is Glucose, which is provided from rice, porridge, noodles, noodles, potatoes. The brain also needs amino acids from protein-rich foods such as meat, fish, eggs, milk. to function. flexibility and alertness.
Iron is a raw material for the formation of the brain and red blood cells in the blood to nourish the body. Iron is abundant in meat, liver, blood, egg yolk, fish. and is easily absorbed if there is Vitamin C in vegetables and fruits present in the meal. Continuous supply of adequate iodine helps to form a complete brain. Iodine is also the raw material for the synthesis of thyroid hormone, which is essential for growth and survival.
Other vitamins and minerals such as B vitamins, vitamin E, zinc,. also have an impact on brain activity.
In general, a diet of sufficient quantity, quality, variety of foods, and frequent changes of dishes will provide a source of intelligent nutrition for children.
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