72% of Vietnamese population use smartphones but 50% of them only listen to texting calls

72% of the Vietnamese population is using smartphones, 68% of Vietnamese people watch videos and listen to music every day on mobile devices.

The mobile phone market in Vietnam from the beginning of the year to June 2018 issued by Appota has a few notable numbers that many people are not startled by.

Accordingly, 72% of Vietnam's population are using smartphones, 68% of Vietnamese people watch videos and listen to music every day on mobile devices, many people use more than 2 phones at the same time. The average machine is 1.7 machines / person. Many Vietnamese people go online by phone more than computers, the specific number is 68%.

72% of Vietnamese population use smartphones but 50% of them only listen to texting calls Picture 172% of Vietnamese population use smartphones but 50% of them only listen to texting calls Picture 1

Regarding applications, statistics have found that Vietnamese people like to experience new applications, on average each person installs 5 new applications every month, but also uninstalls, on average deletes 3 applications per month, the highest rate in Europe Asia Pacific.

Currently, in Vietnam, 70% of mobile subscribers are using the Internet from 3G or 4G with an average speed of 14.6 Mbps.

Regarding online shopping, the number of visits to e-commerce sites via smartphones accounts for 72%. The rate of online purchases via phone accounts for 53% and 88% of which is cash on delivery.

However, 46% of Vietnamese people do not use electronic payment, the reason is that they are concerned about safety when paying or without a bank account.

See more:

  1. The average Internet speed of Vietnam ranks 75th in the world, reaching 6.72 Mb / sec
  2. Spending 6000 billion dong, English Premier livestream exclusive Facebook in Vietnam and 3 neighboring countries
  3. Warning: Bkav detected more than 700,000 computers in Vietnam infected with virtual money digging virus that slowed down the computer
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