The secret to becoming an expert in web content writing

Basic errors when writing web content, how to fix it and how to get excellent articles.

There are two facts that any website content writer, including the copywriters need to know: first , it is the readers they read more than the actual reader and the second is their reading speed on the computer screen. / phone slower than on paper. Currently, information on the Internet is extremely much and for readers, they have nothing to lose if you ignore your article or story. Therefore, if you want to be a writer, a copywriter, a professional editor, you must bring to readers at least something that really means, even to the point that they cannot ignore your writing.

Before going into the most basic and common mistakes that many website content writers make, let's take a look at some of the most important factors that make an article successful.

The way you write (How) is far more important than what you write (What)

Why is style rewriting important? And how to get a good article that users have to read them "voracious"?

The secret to becoming an expert in web content writing Picture 1The secret to becoming an expert in web content writing Picture 1
How to become an excellent website content writer?

The Internet is essentially content sharing and the competition between those who share them is very harsh.

"Content is King" - understand that content plays the most important role, being number one - this has become a rule and it is no longer the ultimate goal that we need to strive for. Or to say correctly that good, accurate, useful content is a necessary condition and a "all, good, good," thing. The competition for content sharing is harsh when readers always have other options if your article does not "draw" them with ideas / messages within the first 10 to 20 seconds when reading Browse the article.

Since ancient Greece, there has been a popular concept among writers that "things worth writing are always written" , meaning interesting topics to write often have appeared in the works. before. However, even if the content is repeated, the following product launches still exist, even, are enthusiastically received by readers. The simple reason is that these popular topics and emotions have been expressed through the perspective and words of another person. All ideas are available, your task is to find a new, better way to talk about them.

You must attract readers right from the start

An excellent blogger always lets readers grasp what they will receive when reading the article in the first few sentences, however, do not reveal all the information but only in the form of arousing the curiosity of the reader. . You have to stimulate the readers' desire to continue exploring but "save" great things. Simply because the best things are always the last and we all will not give up the desire to know.

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A good article must appeal to the reader

Try to "draw" the reader a story

Don't just write, show your language skills in terms, vocabulary that don't help readers relate to anything. You are a writer, you need to draw for them what they will get at the beginning of the article and one of the best ways is to tell a story or use pictures.Be creative, put yourself in the position of the reader and start up the idea.

We always want to hear a story written by a humorous writer, creating links based on words. After all, we - people who like to write, no matter what form we are, are a storyteller, a shared person. So, if you want to attract more and more readers, tell a good story because if you put yourself in their position, you will also want to hear a good story, not a boring report.

Common errors when writing website / copy content

The secret to becoming an expert in web content writing Picture 3The secret to becoming an expert in web content writing Picture 3
Common errors when writing web content

Write for everyone

If an article does not specify the target audience, the content is not specific, it is very difficult to reach readers. Nobody takes the time to read your articles when they don't solve a problem if they continue to do so.

Do not research thoroughly

Unless you are too excellent, if not, any topic will need a thorough understanding, research, and refinement of both content and words. If you only know the product name and some of its uses, be sure that your article will not produce the desired effect.

Keyword abuse

Do not try to cram keywords into your article because Google's algorithm is smart enough to understand that you are trying to spread a message or product promotion. Instead, choose good keywords and try to write as naturally as possible.

Spelling errors

Don't rely too much on the spell checking tool of Microsoft Word or other office editing applications. Instead, you can read your article aloud or ask someone else to check on the household to make sure they are really perfect. An excellent article, but if there are spelling errors, it will make the reader have bad effects.

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Do not leave the article with typos

Title nonsense / too long

A title is called meaningless when it has nothing to do with the content of the article. In addition to this error, headlines without key words, confusing because of the use of complex or lengthy words, are also very basic errors that any content writing staff needs to pay attention to.

Do not use illustrations

The article will become very dry and lose its charm if you don't have additional photos or videos illustrated. In addition, using images is also a way to make readers "stay" on your posts longer.

8 tips to help you become a good writer

According to Kurt Vonnegut , the "great tree" of satirical literature, there are eight important things that any content writer, including copywriters need to remember, is summarized in "How to Use the Power." of the Printed Word "(roughly translated: How to exploit the power of language in writing ) published in 1985.

1. Find the topic that interests you

"Find a topic that interests you and you feel that others are also interested in it. It is a genuine concern, not a verbal gesture, which will be attractive and attractive. most in your style ". Vonnegut

Lesson : You are writing a sales letter, writing an article on a blog or designing a landing page. If you have no passion for the product or service you are selling, you will only write lifeless words.

How does a copywriter force themselves to care about teapot if they hate tea? Or write about cat food while they love puppies? Or write about the duck feet on the boat but they get seasick? Vonnegut encourages you:

  1. Receive only the right projects for you: If you don't like guns, writing content for a hunting website may not be something for you. It is a personal requirement and it requires your honest honest evaluation.
  2. Find out deeply: If you choose to write for a whole new topic, immerse yourself in it. Get to know more about new products or services or consult relevant people in a higher position. The more you know about the product, the more you care and love it.

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Kurt Vonnegut

2. Don't be long

"I will not be long with .". Vonnegut

Lesson : Write in a brief, concise way. Do not use up to 10 words to express an idea but only 3 words are enough to understand.

3. Simple

"The simplicity of words is not only respectable, but can be considered a supreme principle." Vonnegut

Lesson : A good article must be clear. Don't make the reader think. Your message should be easy to understand. If not, you risk losing potential customers. So how do you keep the message simple? Follow Vonnegut:

  1. Use the WORDS clear, concise, easy to understand: Be clear and reliable. Don't use the word "use" when you can replace it with "use" or don't write "tenebrous" when you only need "dark (dark)".
  2. Use QUESTION clear, concise, easy to understand: Don't be afraid of punctuation, feel free to adverbs and avoid being passive.

Keeping things simple is not easy, but that's exactly what you need to do for your readers.

4. Remove unnecessary phrases

"If a sentence, no matter how good it is, doesn't illustrate your topic in a new and useful way, remove it." Vonnegut

Lesson : No matter how good your sentence is, if you can't communicate with the reader and make them feel excited to be able to read the next sentence, it's best to delete it. The ultimate goal of a copywriter is to gently lead customers to scroll down to the article until they are prompted to create action and take action. The minutiae only interrupt, even, break the process and prevent you from reaching the goal. Therefore, do not hesitate, boldly remove them.

5. Be yourself

"I myself realize that when I believe my words the most, it seems, others also believe." Vonnegut

Lesson : Write naturally. Choose a person to point to and write as if only you were talking to that person. Expressing yourself and the content you write will get the most impressive and unique tone.

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Write naturally

6. Say what you want

"I used to be angry by such teachers but now no longer. The old novels are not obsolete because it conveys the right message or a story that the author wants. My teachers want me. write exactly, always choose the most effective words and link them clearly and coherently like parts of a machine, they don't want to make me an Englishman, they hope that I will understand the problem and can understand it in the palm of my hand.

And, the dream that I want - that is to transform the language like the way Pablo Picasso did with the color paint or the jazz idols did with the music - was extinguished. I realized that, if I break all the punctuation rules, use whatever words I want them to express and chain these words in no particular order, I won't be able to understand the problem. . You too, it's best to stay away from the style of writing like the way Picasso painted or the jazz idols still play if you have something worth mentioning and hope it will be welcome. "Vonnegut

Lesson : A good article, first and foremost, must be easy to understand. That's why the highly-skilled copywriters won't make the mistake of distracting the reader with the minutiae. Respect the reader's time and "minimize" their awareness. Don't make them think.

7. Understand your readers

"Readers have to recognize thousands of small ideas on text and have to understand the meaning immediately. They have to read - a difficult art that not everyone can do even after studying them after 12 years of high school.

Therefore, it must be acknowledged that too stylistic style will not be suitable for most readers, because they are not professional artists. Readers require us to be teachers who are patient and sympathetic, ready to refine and simplify, while we like to fly on the crowd and "sing" with the language of the paint. ca not human, " Vonnegut

Lesson : Maybe you are a talented writer and an artist. The text can be sung. That's great but it's not good if the article is long. Successful copywriters know that lengthy copying will be a failure. All must be clear and accurate because understanding readers will be rewarded with trust, trust and action. So give readers and yourself a chance to show empathy.

8. Bring value

Always bring the value to the reader. If failure at this step, it seems that your whole effort becomes meaningless. Value is born when your article solves a specific problem for readers, dispels fear or responds to a desire.

Information content is very valuable. Entertainment content is the same. After all, bringing value is the key to success for any article because without it, people will have nothing to care about?

So next time you intend to write a copy, a blog post, or a story, then who do you write for? What they need, what they want and how they should write before they start writing.

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