3D computers 'embed' user hands into the screen

Guests attending TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design Conference) - an annual event taking place in the US, specializing in the publication of initiatives that are globally popular in three areas of technology, entertainment and design.

Guests attending TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design Conference) - an annual event taking place in the US, specializing in the publication of initiatives that are globally popular in three areas of technology, entertainment and design - have fascinated by a personal computer model that displays 3D images and allows users to ' hold, drag and drop' icons on the screen, NBC News TV channel (USA) reports on 28.2.

The mouse and touch screen only provide two-way interoperability.

For example, users can scroll the screen up, down, left, right, but to select any icon, the user must use two-way operation to touch the screen or click, instead of just reaching out hold.

3D computers 'embed' user hands into the screen Picture 13D computers 'embed' user hands into the screen Picture 1
Microsoft announces 3D Space Top computer model at TED conference - (Photo: Digital Trend)

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Meanwhile, Space Top, the name of the 3D computer model invented by Microsoft, is equipped with a unique interface, allowing users to use their hands to manipulate and interact in a completely natural way. Common components in personal computers, such as windows and documents.

Although the operation is still not smooth, Space Top is really a computer model that promises to revolutionize.

Space Top consists of a transparent screen with two cameras attached, with one used to record the user's head to adjust the interaction distance between the user and a plane used for the underlying 3D communication. screen.

The second camera records the movements of the user's hands and determines the position of the upper hands in three-dimensional space.

For example, with Space Top, users can easily grab and drag a file out of a folder, and when a text editor is needed, a virtual keyboard is displayed on the plane below the screen. form.

Although Space Top only ran a few applications to illustrate, technology experts rated the computer as very high.

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