16 simple tips with hairspray, save a lot of time
Even if you do not use hair spray every day, you can still keep a bottle in the house, for use on special occasions. But did you know that, in addition to styling, hair spray really has many other benefits? Just continue reading this article, you will definitely want to own a cheap, multifunctional and easy to use item like hair spray in the house to see!
TipsMake.com has assembled 16 creative ways to use hair spray and make your life easier.
16. Shape your eyebrows with an old mascara tree and some hair spray.
16 simple tips with hairspray, save a lot of time Picture 1
15. Spray the end of the thread before piercing through the needle to make it easier to slip.
16 simple tips with hairspray, save a lot of time Picture 2
14. The drawer on the pants slips down.
16 simple tips with hairspray, save a lot of time Picture 3
13. Preserve your child's paintings and help prevent the chalk from becoming blurry.
16 simple tips with hairspray, save a lot of time Picture 4
12. Spray your curtains to keep them beautiful and dust free for a long time.
16 simple tips with hairspray, save a lot of time Picture 5
11. To remove ink from clothing, spray the hair spray on the soiled area, leave it on for a few minutes, then place it in the washing machine and wash as usual.
16 simple tips with hairspray, save a lot of time Picture 6
10. Make pins stronger, not slipping on hair.
16 simple tips with hairspray, save a lot of time Picture 7
9. Extend the life of shoe polish.
16 simple tips with hairspray, save a lot of time Picture 8
8. Eliminate electrostatic attraction on the skirt.
16 simple tips with hairspray, save a lot of time Picture 9
7. Remove lint and pet hair from your clothes with a towel that absorbs hair spray.
16 simple tips with hairspray, save a lot of time Picture 10
6. Spray all socks and leather socks before wearing to avoid tearing.
16 simple tips with hairspray, save a lot of time Picture 11
5. Dry your nails and wet them for a few minutes.
16 simple tips with hairspray, save a lot of time Picture 12
4. Fix the screw that has slipped from the position.
16 simple tips with hairspray, save a lot of time Picture 13
3. Help your feet not slip when wearing high heels.
16 simple tips with hairspray, save a lot of time Picture 14
2. Make fresh flowers longer by applying hair spray on the underside of petals and leaves.
16 simple tips with hairspray, save a lot of time Picture 15
1. Help the shoelace not slip.
16 simple tips with hairspray, save a lot of time Picture 16
Do you know of any other ways to use hairspray? Share your own cool tips in the comment section below!
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