Remember these 10 tips, they will 'save you' someday
Maybe you have known some survival skills that help survive dangerous situations in everyday life, but life is full of unpredictable things and unexpected things happen. make you keep your hands up. So in such situations, what should you do to escape? The best way is to remember immediately 10 tips below to apply when needed. If you take all of this useful advice, you can escape death one day when they actually happen, and maybe even save the lives of those around you.
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1. How to get the chin out of the hand the fastest
While working, sometimes we negligence to keep our loins, thorns in our hands. Instead of running around, running around to find grapefruit or needles to get them out, look for a small glass jar, then pour boiling water near the bottle. You squeeze the hand that is stabbed into the vial by the chin, and the chin will be pushed up quickly on the skin.
Remember these 10 tips, they will 'save you' someday Picture 1 This is the quickest way to get the chin out of your hand.
2. Quick treatment when spider bites
In fact, spiders live around very well for us, they eat insects that can harm humans. However, there are some types of spiders that are really dangerous. So unfortunately one day you accidentally get spider bite, how to solve?
Normally, home spiders often have less toxins, if you are bitten by a spider, you can treat them yourself by taking saliva, toothpaste, chewing small grains of rice to apply to the wounded areas. In the case of being bitten by forest spiders, there are signs of swelling and severe pain, it is necessary to quickly go to the hospital for examination and treatment.
Remember these 10 tips, they will 'save you' someday Picture 2 This tip will help you survive the bite of a poison spider.
You only have about 15 minutes to get to the nearest hospital if the above symptoms appear (some cases of spider venom are very strong, the less time you have). During the time of running to the hospital, you need to calm down and apply cold ice, these two actions help the blood carry toxins that do not circulate too quickly, reduce pain and swelling.
3. How to swipe matches even when the wind is strong
Simply, you just need to use a knife to split the body of the match as shown. No matter how big the wind is, make sure your match still burns.
Remember these 10 tips, they will 'save you' someday Picture 3 Remember this good tip to apply when needed.
4. Secret helps you survive when the elevator falls
Every day to use the elevator, this tip will help you have more skills to deal with emergency situations when the elevator has problems. You don't need to worry too much because the elevator rate is very low.
Some information suggests that you should jump up at the moment when the elevator hits the bottom, but you don't know when it is and it is likely that you will be knocked hard on your head with a head injury. will likely happen.
Some information said, you should relax, bend, put your hands on your knees and overlap your knees, but when colliding your bones must support the whole body, so the force will be very opposite. .
So where is the best choice? If you happen to have an elevator crash, lie on your back and stretch your arms and legs to the floor, maybe when you collide you will break a few ribs but this seems to be the best choice.
5. Handling when a fire occurs
In a fire, smoke and poison gas will "kill" people faster than fire, so most of the causes of death in fires are smoke, not fire. The lower the person the lower the better, if you can use a cloth dipped in water to cover your nose - this is one of many important skills.
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Remember these 10 tips, they will 'save you' someday Picture 4 Naturally, the smoke goes up high, when crawling in a low position means you have crawled under the smoke.
6. How to make a super simple fire extinguisher
To create a fire extinguisher, you dissolve about 450g of sea salt with 225g of ammonia salt in more than 2 liters of white water, then pour the mixture into a spray bottle. When you want to put out the fire, you can use it to spray directly on the flame, even if they are burning quickly, it is quickly controlled, it is really amazing. Let's build a fire extinguisher for "fire protection" for me, maybe someday you may have to use it.
7. Distinguish snake bites you are ordinary snakes or poisonous snakes
For the fastest and best treatment for snake bites, you first need to determine if this is a poisonous or non-toxic snake, trying to identify what snake shape is better.
Remember these 10 tips, they will 'save you' someday Picture 5 Distinguish common snakes or poisonous snakes.
Non-poisonous snake: This is a common snake, which does not cause reactions for victims. This type of snake bite usually shows both teeth with small and special shaped circles without fangs, and the feeling in the wound is slightly itchy.
Poisonous snake: This type of snake has an extremely dangerous venom and often causes immediate or several-hour reactions such as: blurry eyes, difficulty breathing, unable to breathe, hardening of the mouth, not open , vomiting blood, . their bite has 1 or 2 teeth stains and each tooth mark is approximately 5mm apart and 1 small number of teeth marks.
- Identify poisonous snakes in Vietnam
8. How to cut down a tree?
Surely you are thinking to cut down a tree that requires a lot of energy and ingenuity? Forget those thoughts when you know this tip.
Remember these 10 tips, they will 'save you' someday Picture 6
First, determine the direction in which you want the tree to fall. Then, use a knife to cut it deep into the trunk like a picture and finally use a rope to tighten the trunk of the tree, then pull it to the side you want. With this super simple way, the rigid trunk of the tree must also collapse.
9. Soothing the aggression of dogs
If one day unfortunately faces a ferocious dog, do you know what you should do? Embarrassing when dealing with them can have unfortunate consequences, of which the most serious is possibly fatal.
Remember these 10 tips, they will 'save you' someday Picture 7 If you encounter a "guy" like this, how will you react?
In order to control your dog's aggression, you must always be "calm" to handle the situation, if you are holding a stick or umbrella, quickly put the handkerchief or hat at the end of the stick and face the dog. But remember not to point it straight in the face. This will make your physique bigger and more intimidating in their eyes.
10. It is necessary to be attacked by a dog
"Life is not always dreaming," so even if you do it properly and with all the above measures, you can still be attacked by a dog. So what to do in this case?
To escape when a dog attacks you, don't look into his eyes, don't laugh at him. Run as fast as you can if you have anything in your hand to scare them and run away.
When you fall into the situation of being bitten into your hand, do not try to jerk back, this only makes it more bite. You can fight back by using your other hand or kicking your weak spots on your body like your throat, eyes, nose or nape. After getting out of the dog, be sure to carefully bandage and go to the hospital in case of a rabid dog.
These are 10 useful tips to solve everyday life situations. Let's see to accumulate some skills and apply for yourself. These tips will help you save time and effort compared to normal.
Hope they are useful for you!
See more:
- 12 tips for chasing ants away from home simply and safely for health
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