10 serious harms will happen if you sit for 8 hours a day

What will happen if you sit in a place for too long? What is the way to minimize the harmful effects of long sitting? Let's TipsMake.com look through 10 serious harms that will happen if you sit a seat 8 hours a day in this article offline!
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Whether it's a long day in the office, staying up for hours in front of a TV screen or playing computer games - it's easy to see that the sitting time takes up most of the day. While sitting for hours in a row seems like a big problem to solve and this is not beneficial to anyone. In fact it is a dangerous problem. Perhaps after reading this article, you will try to stand up more and be active and not sit for a long time.

You may think that sitting for many hours is not a big deal, but the fact that it has a big impact on your health. What will happen if you sit in a place for too long? and what is the way to minimize the harmful effects of long sitting?

After reading the book " Get Up !:" Why Your Chair is Killing You and What You Can Do About It (Why is your seat killing you and what you can do ") written by Dr. James Levine. Today, TipsMake.com will share the author's thoughts about static lifestyle that can endanger you as much as alcoholism and other harmful habits. Let's take a look at 10 serious harms that will happen if you sit for 8 hours a day in this post!

1. Scoliosis

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Scientists estimate that every British person often sits 14 hours a day and unfortunately, statistics from other countries are similar.Galen Krantz , a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, thinks sitting for a long time is completely unnatural and people have no reason to do so.

The human spine with the S-shaped shape also has its reasons - to withstand the forces of impact. However, if you sit a lot for a long time, the S shape of your spine can turn into a C-shape. When a person has a shoulder deflection, a backbone, the stomach muscles become weaker and harder to hold. Suitable body shape without regular exercise.

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When we sit down, nerves are transferred to the pelvis and spine, putting pressure on the intervertebral disc to increase. Stress constantly puts pressure on the cervical vertebra and can lead to a decrease in blood flow to the brain. As a result, you may have a headache or blurred vision. The spine is a structural framework that protects all internal organs, which is why you have to keep it straight and don't put pressure on it.

2. The cardiovascular system is weakened

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One of the most serious consequences of stationary lifestyles is the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as coronary artery disease or chronic high blood pressure.

If most of the time you spend sitting in one place will weaken the muscles and reduce blood circulation. Physical activity is one of the main reasons for early atherosclerosis (accumulation of cholesterol in the blood vessels of the heart). In addition, an imbalance between the supply and use of oxygen can occur while the heart is the part that needs more oxygen from the blood.

An extensive study of the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Louisiana analyzed the lifestyles of more than 17,000 men and women for about 13 years, suggesting that people who sit most of the day are more likely to die from attacks. Heart attack is 54% higher than active people .

3. Varicose veins

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People who spend most of their time sitting at their desks are at risk of having a nervous breakdown in their legs that causes varicose veins . Although both sexes can develop this disease, women are more affected.

Usually, varicose veins are inherited but they can also appear after sitting for a long time with a cross-legged posture . This position causes the vein to tighten, leading to blood congestion in other areas.

Poor blood circulation is also dangerous because it can lead to blood clotting. A blood clot can easily prevent important blood vessels in the heart, lungs or brain . More dangerous, in the long run may develop into a stroke and heart failure.

4. Obesity

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Overweight is one of the greatest consequences of a lazy lifestyle. When sitting for a long time in a long time, metabolism will slow down and your body will reduce the amount of calories used, excessive storage of fat.

According to research by endocrinologists, Mayo Clinic, Rochester said that as soon as a person sits down, the body will reduce 90% of the fat, the amount of insulin decreases and blood pressure increases . For the past 50 years, much of the work has changed over time and most jobs now require sitting at the table to work - meaning no time to burn calories. When doing work to stand, your body will burn 35% more calories than a lot of sitting jobs in place.

Based on the energy balance law, active lifestyle is the main factor to maintain a healthy body weight.

See also: If you have high blood pressure, stroke or varicose veins, apply the following 7 things to improve!

5. Weakness of muscles and bones

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Lack of physical activity can cause muscle weakness and swelling. The most affected muscles are abdominal and smooth muscles. In addition to muscles, bones and joints are also parts to suffer from the static and lazy lifestyle. Another consequence can occur if all day you just sit at your desk with osteoporosis . The more you sit, the more likely your bones will lose strength over time, becoming more porous and brittle.

6. Poor digestive system

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The pancreas releases the amount of insulin needed to convert carbohydrates into glucose. However, cells in passive muscles need a much lower amount of insulin, while the pancreas releases it at a normal rate, causing adverse effects on the digestive system.

In 2011, studies show that just one day of sitting down leads to a reduction in the amount of insulin consumed in cells. The result is a tendency for diabetes and other diseases to develop. Static lifestyles can also cause other discomforts such as constipation or hemorrhoids.

See also: What color does urine signal about your health?

7. Aging

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Telomeres are located on top of chromosomes, protecting them from injury. Telomeres are becoming shorter and shorter in the process of aging. A sedentary lifestyle has been shown to make telomeres shorter and faster, accelerating the aging process.

You may feel more comfortable sitting but remember, staying seated for hours will make your life shorter. Ideally, stand up and walk again after 2 hours of continuous sitting to reduce this risk.

8. Bad mood and increased anxiety

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Static lifestyles can have a negative impact on mental health. The absence of physical activity can increase depression and anxiety. The chair becomes an "island", making us more isolated. According to many studies, continuous sitting in a place that causes endorphins - hormones produced in the body through movement can help you feel comfortable.

Regular exercise can improve your mood and relax your body. It can also enhance self-esteem and confidence. In addition, physical activity affects serotonin production, helping to limit imbalance that can lead to depression, memory problems and appetite.

9. Insomnia

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Mobility can affect sleep quality . Your body considers sitting continuously as a break, even if you are in a mental sitting position. Therefore, if you "rest" all day, your body decides that you no longer need sleep and relax time. As a result, sleep quality decreases, you often lose sleep and become extremely tired. Regular exercise helps you get rid of insomnia and improve sleep quality.

10. "That story"

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Men with a sedentary lifestyle are more likely to have erectile dysfunction, prostate problems and hormone imbalances. Women who sit for hours every day are also hard to avoid hormonal disorders and affect their sexual needs.

When a man sits for hours, the pelvic blood circulation slows and eventually leads to inflammation and the development of more serious diseases.

When lack of exercise, the amount of fat becomes larger, sometimes leading to hormonal imbalance. Female hormones - estrogen, are produced in more adipose tissue - this explains why even men have a big belly because they sit a lot.

How to avoid sitting much?

Some companies try to motivate their employees to be more active by putting water bottles and containers away from their desks to force them to stand up and go back and forth in the office, increasing their campaigning for bodies such as table tennis tables installation, meetings and training, where employees must move.

In addition, scientists and doctors also make recommendations to minimize sitting in a place like:

  1. Hiking more often.
  2. Do not sit too much when traveling by public transport.
  3. Move to the colleague's desk instead of calling them by phone.
  4. Walk during lunch time or eat outdoors.
  5. Use stairs instead of elevators.
  6. Taking breaks to do some simple things like stretching.

Do you want to stand up from the chair after reading this article? Share your thoughts on this topic with us in the comments section below.

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