10 dangerous things will happen to your body if you sit all day

What happens to the body when you sit all day?

More than half of us all spend more than 6 hours a day just sitting and working without knowing that this will lead to inconceivable consequences that you may not know! People are like a machine, if they have to work continuously for many hours, operate at full capacity or work in a state of stress, there is no rest time or regeneration of labor will pulls on many health-related issues.

Sitting for long hours can temporarily and permanently affect your health and body. Therefore, sitting can make a seemingly harmless activity become especially dangerous, possibly even deadly. The following article will tell you the level of vulnerability, from head to toe while sitting throughout the day.

1. The legs and buttocks are weak

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If you don't use them, you'll lose them! Sitting continuously all day long will not use the lower half of the body to support the body. This will lead to muscle atrophy, muscle weakness . When the muscles of the legs and buttocks are not strong enough to maintain balance, your body is at higher risk of injury.

2. Weight gain

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Daily movement helps muscles release molecules like lipoprotein lipase - molecules that help digest the amount of fat and sugar you eat. If you spend most of your time sitting, the release of this molecule will be less and the back of your body will be at risk of enlargement (larger buttocks), according to a recent study. This will put you at higher risk of metabolic syndrome , even if you exercise. One study showed that men spend more time sitting than normal, will gain more weight in the second round. This is also the most dangerous fat reserve site.

3. Hip pain and back pain

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Along with the muscles in the legs and buttocks, the hips and back will suffer the consequences of sitting a lot. Sitting with too much flex is shortened and sitting positions may also hurt your back, especially when your posture is not sitting properly or using an uncomfortable chair. Wrong posture can also put pressure on the intervertebral discs and can lead to premature degeneration and chronic pain .

4. Anxiety and depression

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According to the knowledge we have, sitting with mental impact is less than physical impact. People who sit a lot often have a higher risk of depression and anxiety. This may be due to the lack of the benefits of exercise, when most of the time of the day we are just sitting, instead of moving. And so, the mental impact of sitting will be mitigated by daily practice.

5. Risk of cancer

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Studies show that sitting for a long time may increase the risk of certain types of cancer, including lung cancer, uterine cancer and colorectal cancer . The cause of this situation is still unclear.

6. Cardiovascular disease

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Sitting a lot can damage the heart, may even lead to cardiovascular disease . A study shows that people who sit more than 23 hours a week to watch TV are 64% more likely to die from cardiovascular disease than those who watch only 11 hours a week. Scientists believe that people who sit a lot will have a 147% higher risk of heart attack or stroke.

7. Risk of diabetes

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People who sit a lot will have a 112% higher risk of developing diabetes. In a study looking at the effects of 5 bed rest days, researchers found that these people were at higher risk of insulin resistance, also known as prediabetes.

8. Varicose veins

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Sitting for a long time can lead to blood stagnation at the feet . This condition will lead to varicose veins. Although varicose veins do not cause much harm, the visible and swollen veins just below the skin will make many people feel less confident. In rare cases, patients may develop more serious illnesses such as blood clots formation .

9. Vascular thrombosis (Deep Vein Thrombosis - DVT)

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Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT ), also called deep vein thrombosis, is a common blood clot in the leg. When a part of this blood clot breaks, it can block blood flow to other parts of the body like the lungs, causing pulmonary embolism. This is an emergency condition that can lead to extremely dangerous or even fatal complications. Sitting too much, even when sitting on a traveling plane, can cause deep vein thrombosis.

10. Stiff shoulders and stiff neck

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Like the legs, the buttocks and the back, shoulders and neck will also suffer the consequences of sitting heavily. This is especially true when you have to sit a lot and work in front of a computer screen for a long time.

Refer to some articles:

  1. What will happen if you sit in a place for too long?
  2. 6 bad things will happen if you regularly skip meals
  3. 12 healthy habits but extremely harmful to health

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