Why should I stop using VPN for free immediately?
Free VPN is very attractive. Nobody wants to pay for something that can be received for free. But using free VPN also has disadvantages. There will be certain damages to the safety, security, personal data of users, and even privacy, even if they are virtual private networks.
Good VPN services that cost money - like ExpressVPN - don't cost too much money every month. Most people can pay for this price and the quality of these paid VPNs is also much better.
If you are thinking about using free VPN, you should read this article to know the biggest risks when using a free VPN service.
What are the risks of using free VPN?
- 1. Track and sell user data
- 2. Lack of management sanctions
- 3. The IP address may be a Network Endpoint
- 4. Prioritize traffic for ads
- 5. Leaking IP address
1. Track and sell user data
VPN is said to have the effect of keeping users safe while online. One of the biggest uses of VPNs is to prevent ISPs and other data monitors from selling user data in order to make a profit.
Sounds very attractive right. By encrypting user data and routing data through VPN servers, ISPs can no longer see what users are doing online anymore. However, did you know that the VPN company is monitoring this? Simply stated, users are 'avoiding melon peels with coconut shells'.
Of course, most paid VPN services do not do this. They have extensive security policies and always insist on never tracking users' online activities.
But what about a free VPN? Users cannot be sure because ultimately, it is expensive to store and operate a VPN network with thousands of users. In many cases, the user becomes the supplier's 'main source of income'. Remember, nothing in the world is free.
Recently, CSIRO conducted a study of 283 VPNs. Research found that 75% of free VPN applications contain some tracking tools. Is it scary?
In short, if you mainly use VPN for security purposes (instead of blocking geography or downloading pirated content), do not use free VPN.
2. Lack of management sanctions
This point is closely linked to the previous point. In North America and Europe, ISPs are strictly managed. They can command and sell user data, but such transactions must be transparent and users can capture all information.
VPN does not work according to these rules. In fact, many VPN providers are located in foreign countries or where legal provisions are not clear. It is this factor that makes it difficult to understand and control a VPN provider.
Why should I stop using VPN for free immediately? Picture 1
Users should avoid free VPNs originating from weak security countries like China and Russia. They are more likely to be monitoring user data and using it for bad purposes.
Free VPN provides a plentiful supply of potential 'victims' for hackers and cyber criminals. Many users are willing to provide personal information during the registration process, when they see the word 'free' online.
When in the system, all traffic is recorded to the user account. And criminals will have a 'complete picture' of a person's personality in just a few days.
3. The IP address may be a Network Endpoint
Readers probably haven't forgotten the story about VPN Hola. This application used to be the king of free VPNs. Tens of thousands of people have used it to cope with geographic access restrictions until Netflix starts blocking VPN access.
But in mid-2015, things changed. A group of experts discovered that this application is turning users into connected endpoints. It uses the user's connection to increase network bandwidth and provides a portal for other users. It also sells users' endpoints through a subsidiary called Luminati.
Why should I stop using VPN for free immediately? Picture 2
This process has problems for two reasons. First, the user's IP address will be on the server log. If someone uses your exit node to do something illegal, you will probably be touched by the police.
Second, anyone who visits a website in your country, through your exit node will leave an IP address on the websites they visit. It is useless to use the original VPN to avoid being tracked.
Hola is one of the few recorded cases. Who knows for sure how many other free VPN providers are doing the same thing? Do you have 100% confidence in the ethics of the provider you are using? It's best not to take risks.
4. Prioritize traffic for ads
Even if the free VPN provider does not sell data or turn your connection into endpoint, they still have to make money. In many cases, this is done by earning revenue from advertising.
This is not strange at all. That's how most websites, or technology publications, provide free content for you to read, make a profit.
But advertising on free VPNs has an important difference. VPN providers use unique third-party ads for your proxy server session, because VPN wants you to click on those ads to prioritize traffic of the ad network.
The result is a slower page load time and users' online experience is no longer "as smooth" as before.
5. Leaking IP address
Why should I stop using VPN for free immediately? Picture 3
Strictly speaking, VPN works like a secret tunnel. All user traffic runs through that 'tunnel' to avoid prying eyes. When it appeared on the web, no one could tell where it came from.
However, if using a free VPN, the sophistication of the tunnel will not reach this level, there are even more potential vulnerabilities. The user's data and IP address may leak through those vulnerabilities, and anyone can access that information.
This process is called traffic leakage or DNS leak. Both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses can be exposed.
Some experts say that paid VPN also leaks traffic, but this is not very common. Paying more money, you will have a home with good quality, and even pay more for VPN providers, the security 'tunnel' will be more reliable.
Hopefully the articles mentioned will make you think carefully about signing up for a free VPN. The risk ratio is so high that in many cases it is better not to use any free VPN. Instead, just send all traffic through ISP.
If you have been persuaded to give up free VPN, there are two options. You can sign up for a top-paid service or use the TOR network. The TOR network is usually for users with special needs, but there are few potential risks such as free VPN.
Do you use VPN for free? If yes, what is the reason? What makes you stick with that service? Leave your comments in the comment section below!
See more:
- 11 reasons you should use VPN
- How to use Idea VPN fake IP on Windows
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