Which community network is right for you?

Are you looking for a job, some event or a friend who has lost contact for a long time? There is already a place available online for you. Let's find that place!

Are you looking for a job, some event or a friend who has lost contact for a long time? There is already a place available online for you. Let's find that place!

With hundreds of millions of accounts, MySpace is the most popular community network (and the most criticized community!). Whether young or old, everyone seems to have a private website. However, the online king Rupert Murdoch's power has not yet met your Web communication needs. Many pioneering companies have been quick to jump on this ship and offer many services from universal to specialized (all for free), help you find a job, date and stay in touch with old friends. You are new and keep your life beautiful.

Although there are many community networks scattered throughout the Internet, it is difficult to know which community networks are "worthwhile" to spend time and transmission. To clarify this, we explore a number of community networks in 5 main areas: universal, specialized, hobby, mobile and sharing soundtracks. In these surveys, there are a number of tips to help you be safe, ensure privacy, find friends online and make full use of the service functionality.

Common community network

MySpace (www.myspace.com): In 2003, MySpace (from the US news media) was born that marked a big turning point for the community network with a larger number of visitors than Google. MySpace is constantly growing and growing not only within the US but also around the world. Currently this community network is one of the most important 'destinations' thanks to the rich services it offers to users. In MySpace, users can design their own profiles to introduce themselves, friends, play games or even advertise poems, songs or videos they create. High customization is one of the factors that make MySpace a success. Users can write (or get from elsewhere) HTML or Java Script programming code to design their own profiles with their own images, sounds and textures on a static, animated, scrollable background. . If it is a 'dreamer' then you can go to pimp_my_profile.com to select the available designs.

Which community network is right for you? Picture 1Which community network is right for you? Picture 1

The present, old, near and far faces are all here, healthy on Facebook, where you can contact them with just a few clicks.

Facebook ( www.facebook.com ): Appeared since 2004 as an online yearbook for Harvard university students, then Facebook quickly expanded to other university students, then to high school and The last is for everyone. You can find friends by school, city or job and you can join one or more such networks; Therefore, you can stay in touch with old classmates, neighbors and colleagues. Thanks to this approach, Facebook has approximately 60 million members. Facebook's main functions (sharing photos and videos, sending messages, public message boards) are similar to MySpace but don't accept shocking and incompatible desktops for some music programs. from MySpace.

Unfortunately, behind the clean appearance of Facebook's white-blue color is the potential danger. Last year, the plan to advertise Facebook's Beacon (members who know each other's online transactions, see more at ID: A0802_20) caused a stir because the members opposed their own private affair that they not knowing (and not being compensated). If you fear (for good reason) that privacy is recurring, you can set up security at a level that is right for you.

LinkedIn ( www.linkedin.com) : Unlike Facebook and MySpace (specializing in friends and entertainment), LinkedIn focuses on career and business. LinkedIn has become one of the most talked about community networks and has quickly reached 20 million accounts.

Which community network is right for you? Picture 2Which community network is right for you? Picture 2

It's someone you know on LinkedIn, where you can find them by work, and be someone who can help you find the job you dream of.

Like other community networks, LinkedIn revolves around your personal information. However, instead of displaying a list of hobbies and photos, LinkedIn shows the work process, professional skills, education level, awards and explains why and how you want others to link. lost with me. In order to take full advantage of LinkedIn, you should write as short, complete and sharp as you write your resume or CV. However, the most important thing in your 'resume' is the comment of colleagues and bosses (old and present) about the positions you undertake. When there are many comments about you, you have the right to add or not add them to your personal information. The more good reviews you have, the more impressed you are by potential companies in LinkedIn's Jobs & Hiring section, as well as for prospective customers in the Services section. To increase your chances of getting good reviews, write a review for other members first, don't let them ask and then write.

Twitter (www.twitter.com): Is Twitter really a community network? Yes, but unlike Facebook and MySpace. The content throughout Twitter is a series of notifications about the current status of members (called tweets), each with a maximum of 140 characters. The Twitter page has the same messages as the status sentences you often see in your Yahoo Messenger friends list when they're online . to know what your friends are doing or grumbling about. Isn't that a pleasure!

After registering, you should follow the updated community page to see how others use Twitter and find interesting Twitter users to contact them. You can also let Twitter find your e-mail address book to see if anyone in your address list has a Twitter account. At the same time, others can also track information from you. If you don't like to make your announcement public, you can choose ' Protect my Updates ' in the Twitter settings to not post your tweet publicly, only those you invite can see it. Even if you haven't forgotten to post it for a long time, you can set it up to Twitter via e-mail. When you don't use a computer, Twitter can help you receive and send tweets via your mobile phone or on Twitter's mobile website.

Specialized community network

Which community network is right for you? Picture 3Which community network is right for you? Picture 3 Cyvee helps you find jobs easily.

The problem with popular community networks is that no one uses the community network because there are too many users. How can someone find your profile among 400 million MySpace pages? However, there are thousands of community networks that target specific activities, ideas or interests.

Some examples : Thanks to iMedix for help, you can find information on the web about a specific type of disease and chat, e-mail with people of similar interest. On BlackPlanet.com, African Americans can discuss many topics or keep in touch with each other from everywhere; MiGente site is similar but for the Latin American and AsianAve.com communities for Asians. Older users can go to TeeBeeDee.com (members age 40 and older).

Cyvee (www.cyvee.com): If you are looking for work (especially new graduates) or you are an employer, Cyvee (short for the Curriculum Vitae curriculum vitae) is your community network. look over. This community network requires you to specifically report your accommodation, school . to connect with employers more easily. Cyvee also presents friends with the same school, the same school year as you. In addition to the functions of the Group, Employment & Opportunity, Questions and Answers functions, as usual in other community websites, Cyvee also offers a separate currency system called Cyvee Dollars (CVD) to spend pay for services such as posting news, messages . to make this community 'cleaner' and avoid 'messy' news. When creating your account, you are granted 5 CVD and if your initial profile is complete, you will receive 8 CVD for free. This community also offers very useful market and economic news . Cyvee now has more than 30,000 members.

Which community network is right for you? Picture 4Which community network is right for you? Picture 4

Create your own website at Ning.com or find and join one of the thousands of thematic discussion groups available.

Ning ( www.ning.com) : If you still haven't found a suitable community network, you can create your own. At Ning, you can create a customizable community network with your own domain name, private homepage, member profile pages, photo and video sharing, grouping by topic and private discussion forum. Once you have customized it, anyone (not just for subscribers) can easily find you in Ning's yearbook or through the keyword system in your site. It only takes a few minutes to create a Ning network: just select the name and domain name (at the end will add the 'ning.com' extension), describe the network in detail, put in some tag tags and insert the icon photo is done. To increase the safety and security of users, you can set up only to allow new members to enter and to be a member of your network must be invited from another member.

Community networks according to preferences

LibraryThing ( www.librarything.com) : Although recently Apple's father, Steve Jobs, once confirmed that people are no longer interested in reading, but more and more pages focus on familiar issues around What do people like: on your bedside table have something? LibraryThing helps you catalog library content, share good titles with other members, or discover books or authors that you accidentally ignore. Lots of (surprisingly) LibraryThing members have the same interests with you and are ready to discuss with you. There are about 330,000 users of LibraryThing service.

You start importing each book into your book list, by typing the ISBN book code or copying the book information from another member's catalog. You can find and import many books into the list by searching the publisher ISBN number, book distributor or book review section on the website.

Once you set up your library, the LibraryThing may ask you to read some other titles based on the list of similar interests. The pages are based on tags on the author and the topic gives you a quick look at what other people are reading. Free members can catalog up to 200 favorite titles; Unlimited account book list costs 10USD / year and 25 USD indefinite account.

Last.fm ( www.last.fm) : Tired of listening to old songs over and over again? You wish you could find many other types of music and especially . free? A Last.fm plug-in tool to 'listen' to what your PC or iPod is playing, compare it to that melody with other Last.fm members with similar interests and then recommend new tracks for you. . When you click on the 'Love' and 'Ban' buttons to reply to Last.fm's proposal, the site will know more about your interest and continue to give you more new songs and still have same style.

Which community network is right for you? Picture 5Which community network is right for you? Picture 5

Choose for your favorite tune at Pandora's infinite music service and the site will quickly give you other songs (with singers).

As in the real world, friends in Last.fm are the ones who show you cool songs that you may not know, but it doesn't matter if you don't like to make friends. You can still browse the profiles of users who have similar musical preferences to find music.

Pandora ( www.pandora.com) : Although it has the same purpose as Last.fm (find the music you like and stream it online), Pandora works entirely in the web browser and is based on the opinions of others to recommend music to you. When you listen to and vote for music in Pandora, this site will provide you with new songs rated by critics as the same category. At any time, you can find specific singers, songs or genres and Pandora will create a complete 'radio' for you with all the songs of the same genre.

Pandora's community network functions are quite weak. Most entries for profiles are optional, profiles are only enough to brief you; and you can hide options so no one can see it. You can hardly find this online acquaintance and Pandora does not have a member search function. However, you can find fans of certain singers or musicians and can create bookmarks as well as know what they are listening to.

iMeem ( www.imeem.com) : Facebook's photo sharing function is great and you can list your favorite shows, titles and musicians in the profile but . that's all. iMeem also goes further to share movie and music preferences by combining social features like Facebook and themes (themes) for personal information, playlists and audiovisual software. Embedded like MySpace. When signing up, you can enter as much or as little information about yourself as you want on iMeem including your home, school, company, music, movies, TV preferences and other interests. Then, you can link to create your own friends list from iMeem members by adding friends you know, or to find iMeem in your e-mail contact list. You can find your favorite music or movies and add them to playlists, listen to music in other people's playlists, join or create discussion groups that are specific to specific interests, singers or genres.

Most music and movies on iMeem are short clips (link to iTunes or Amazon sites where you can buy by downloading) but you can also download the whole song to listen to yourself. Musicians and directors can upgrade their accounts to the free professional version, show their works and contain iMeem subdomains (such as elvispresley.imeem.com). Real people who are addicted to movies and looking for a dedicated community to watch and discuss movies may prefer to use Flixster.com rather than iMeem.

Mobile community network

Dodgeball ( www.dodgeball.com) : Many mobile community networks and a growing group of community networks have recently been designed specifically for mobile phones and act as a hub connecting mobile phones. The most practical use of these services is to help users keep in touch with each other via SMS or via a browser on a mobile phone.

Which community network is right for you? Picture 6Which community network is right for you? Picture 6

MySpace for mobile phones is the best way to describe Dada.net, giving you access to your photos, videos and friends right in your mobile phone.

Dodgeball service (of two New York University alumni) provides such mobile phone-based geolocation service. After creating an account in Dodgeball (by providing your name, city, phone number and wireless service provider), you start adding friends: Dodgeball finds and sends invitations to contacts With your Gmail inbox, you can search the contacts of other Dodgeball members. When you meet the room you like and want your best friend to play, you just need to send a SMS message to Dodgeball's SMS code containing the symbol @ plus the dating place with the word 'check-in', this is how often used in 'style' of community netizens. Then, Dodgeball emits a text message to your friends list with the same content (usually using unlimited messages). Other brief messages that send notifications (for example, "shout-out" when you want to announce something) or you will receive meeting location information from the Google Maps map service. The main drawback of Dodgeball is currently only covering over 22 major US cities. Hopefully Google (who just bought Dodgeball) will proceed to expand this service coverage area.

Dada.net ( www.dada.net ): Although designed for mobile phone users, Dada.net goes in a completely different direction than Dodgeball. As a type of MySpace mobile, Dada.net lets you create and customize your personal homepage, and more importantly, let you download music, videos, photos and blogs. You can do all of the above with a browser on your mobile phone (or PC).

This service is also profitable through Google Ads advertising service. You can also get a profit if you have a Google AdSense account: the more people who see your profile and the ads in it, the more money you and Data.net will earn. Therefore, you will receive many friend requests from many strange members; however, the site's privacy settings let you remove most of these unexpected requests.

Dada.net automatically creates a separate 'Love' profile based on your 'Friendship' profile. Many of Data.net's mobile services are free, but some other services including love chat, mobile phone ringtone downloads and wallpapers require users to subscribe to the service for up to $ 10. /month; so be careful when clicking.

Community network sharing music and movies

Which community network is right for you? Picture 7Which community network is right for you? Picture 7

eSnips helps you download your pictures, poetry, videos and other artistic creations and share them with people with similar interests.

eSnips ( www.esnips.com) : Some friends often attach poetry, or paragraphs in Microsoft Word format to e-mail and hope someone will read. It is not uncommon for most recipients to delete these messages because e-mail is not a convenient way to share files. In recent years booming online file storage movement. eSnips is not merely a storage but a combination of network storage with the creation of online communities in the form of content classification such as music style, painting, poetry, photography, animation and humor. After you have downloaded text, audio, images, video or other file formats to eSnips (using the browser toolbar), you can share that file with anyone or just with Some groups are invited via e-mail. You can even sell your work via eSnips Marketplace. eSnips helps you find people with similar interests among more than 4 million subscribers of this page by creating a statistical analysis of the content you have uploaded (called 'SocialDNA') and then associated with the SocialDNA's other members. Each account has 5GB of free storage, there is currently no option to increase storage.

Scribd ( www.scribd.com) : This service is different from the rival eSnips in one important point: unlimited storage. In fact, you don't even need to register an account to be able to download files, just point the path to the file and select the big green arrow to click upload. Only when you need to keep the files you upload will need to register. However, after registering, you must specify who is entitled to view and delete your files. Moreover, login allows you to explicitly specify the file, even making others invisible until you send an e-mail invitation, or publish it to everyone to see.

Comes with Scribd's large file download tool, which serves as a convenient infinite online backup tool or as an alternative to Flickr's restricted account service. Scribd sorts files you upload to different subject groups (like eSnips) but doesn't offer the file suggestions you like. You may be willing to give up this function in exchange for unlimited storage.

The term Community Network?

Each domain has its own terminology, and for netizens alike, it is not possible to list new words below, but the words that are used by the online community.

  1. Add : (noun) is your addition of new friends by adding (their name) to your friends list. The term is very popular in the community, such as 'Oh, thanks for adding me'.
  2. Block : (verb) re-installs settings for your community website to prevent others from contacting you or viewing your profile.
  3. Check-in : (noun) in the mobile community, this is an electronic message informing the group that you have come to the meeting place and ready to join the party.
  4. Cyberbully : (verb) attacking, harassing or mocking a network member with a word or video (uploaded to the Internet) and other electronic means.
  5. Defriend : (verb) acts in reverse with earning more friends, which can be called 'turning around'. This is like you oppose that person, don't consider them friends.
  6. Faceslam : (verb) ignores a friend request (on Facebook) of a member you are not familiar with and want to "ignore".
  7. Facestalk : (verbs) follow the profiles and photos of Facebook friends they are dating, or you are intending to date them.
  8. Friend : (verb) requires someone to add your name to that person's friend list. Sometimes, this makes others uncomfortable.
  9. MySpaceSuicide : (noun) acts to permanently delete a MySpace account.
  10. Nudge : (verb) in Twitter, you send a message to a friend you follow to inform them that they are too few.
  11. Poke : (noun) in Facebook, this word only shows others that you are viewing (and may often visit) their profile.
  12. RL : (noun) stands for Real Life (real life), referring to the 'flesh-and-blood' world and real-life meetings.
  13. Slurping : (noun) ability (of most community networks) find friends in your e-mail account's contacts to see who is a member of the community network you are using. Watch out for 'greedy' websites that always send spam to join members for all contacts.
  14. Twitterhea : (noun) status is too much news on Twitter. See the glossary of Twitter Fan Wiki for more terms in Twitter.
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