10 technology ideas should be considered

Some technology idea can greatly improve the problems for our real life. A flexible keyboard, voting on the Internet and watching movies on smartphones (smart phones) is one example of those ideas. Today, the concepts are still improving v & ag

Some technology idea can greatly improve the problems for our real life. A flexible keyboard, voting on the Internet and watching movies on smartphones (smart phones) is one example of those ideas. Today, concepts are still improving and evolving, but sometimes in the real world, there is not much success. Therefore in this article we will explain why and what can be done to solve this situation.

1. The Ultracompact computer

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Jon Stewart pointed out that small screen videos are not that much fun on a device like the iPhone.

You can call any name you want: ultramobile computers (UMPC), mobile communications devices (MID) or small notebooks. We will call them small computers because it is almost indistinguishable from a good smartphone.

For example, the BlackBerry 8820, with its built-in GPS feature and smart e-mail client, is a much better device than the Samsung Q1 Ultra, which is introduced as an 'ultramobile' personal computer. . The real difference is that you will get less eye strain with Q1. But most people don't use Q1 for the purpose of playing games or writing a long document.

The Apple iPhone is a small, smarter, more fun computer that is easier to use than any other MID like Toshiba's new prototype. Meanwhile, OQO consumes more power than conventional UMPCs, but the screen is very small.

We can point out that in less than three years, Apple will release an iPhone replacement but can work like a Mac and become the first company to create authentic PC pocket - machines It is possible to run any Mac OS X application and have a mini-DVI port.

2. Internet satellites

The main problem with Internet satellite providers is the rational use of their policies, certain users can download too much by adjusting their speed savings almost nothing, then slowly add speed for about 24 hours. Both WildBlue and HughesNet have done this and they claim it will help all users.

However, the Internet is not just for email and is simple for web browsing. It is also a way that you can watch TV, backup your network, remote access and countless other actions - not to mention Web applications and media streams.

Other ISPs like Charter Communications and Qwest - can't adjust throttle all speeds. Firms like Comcast can use network management technology such as throttling BitTorrent traffic, but they are not as flexible as satellite providers.

Another problem is that the static modem, which you really need for Internet satellites, is a bulky device and uses coaxial cable that most users need a technician to help with installation and love antennas. The bridge is also larger, but there is no reason that it cannot be reduced in size to work with your laptop.

Internet satellites are gradually changing in speed, starting with 512Kbit / s but now 1.5Mbit / s. If technology and speed are improved, this could be a great solution.

3. Contact manager

It's important to save time in building contacts databases. You can stop meticulously entering names, addresses, phone numbers and emails, instead rely on other methods to help save time.

For example, when you need to find the name and address on Gmail to send a new mail, just type in the name saved in the contact list you get a complete address.

For names not in Gmail archives you can use online address books like YellowPages.com or LinkedIn.com.

However, a good contact manager can work just like the iPhone: It will see phone numbers in an email and allow right-clicking to add names or numbers to contacts automatically in Gmail. . The database will be smart enough to understand if a certain phone actually corresponds to an existing name. It will exclude duplicates automatically. You will never have to type in the full name already in the contact because the database will automatically work as a mobile phone and deliver it to any email client. Some recent contact managers like Up-to-Date & Contact are still involved in a manual implementation.

4. Digital adapters

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Bringing a digital device adapter to a TV, like the MediaSmart TV will effectively and reduce the clutter in your entertainment room.

They are called Apple TV, Netgear Digital Entertainer and Sonos, and all perform a similar function; transfer music, videos and photos from an office computer to HDTV in your family room.

They are designed to solve a problem that is a computer that does not work with a television. A keyboard and mouse are provided to use on a table and not a sofa. These adapters add another device into an entertainment center with DVR and game console.

Fix this problem? Put them inside the TV. Hewlett-Packard has started this with MediaSmart TV - not only based on Windows Media Extender but also able to support any Wi-Fi media format.

5. Video on the phone

Phone screens are often too small for video, even iPod Touch can cause eye strain when you watch movies for up to 2 hours continuously on your device. Only once or twice with the new technology, you will discover that it is very difficult to use - like downloading a video clip on a smartphone or exchanging contacts with your laptop via Bluetooth - only unusual curiosity, not really worth the effort. I have never done this kind of work again the next time because it really isn't worth the time.

Even the iPhone is just a poor movie player unless you use it reluctantly on a bus. However, this solid-state memory is also decreasing in price and can load a movie clip into a mobile device.

What is worth considering is that Bluetooth builds on HDTV to be able to watch high-resolution movies from phones or projectors in the phone (like Pico technology developed by Texas Instruments Inc.) or mini -DVI port.

6. Web 2.0

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The majority of Web developers alluded to one day that HTML could be replaced by a stronger language.

About two years ago, the Semantic Web's promise - a smarter Web concept that allowed for better searchable information - reached its peak but eventually fell to the bottom of starting point.

There will be no clear definition of Web 2.0 or any site that can fit easily in that context. Instead, Web 1.0 is still in a strong way within itself. Imagine Amazon.com in its original context - about ten years ago, it was upgraded to hundreds of new features as a regular, advanced Web technology.

But what can be expected here is a whole new Web work platform: replacing HTML; like AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML), for example.

7. Electronic books

A promising technology or a trick in sales? Ebooks such as Amazon Kindle and Sony eReader can reduce our dependence on paper books. But it must be acknowledged that the 120DPI screen looks more unusual than conventional print media.

In some cases, the Web is a huge e-book and constantly provides information on it - even if one of them is untrustworthy (such as Wikipedia.org). But nothing can beat the print book: you can find out immediately where the fold is, maybe for everyone to borrow, and the most important thing is that it is less harmful to your eyes.

8. Vote on the Internet

The idea of ​​voting on the Internet is very interesting because it makes it easy for you to make the voting process, and more people join to vote. However, this is just a concept in the beginning because the fingerprint reader or some other biometric form does not become popular or weak at all times.

Hollywood filmmakers do not trust the Internet about being able to distribute their movies unless they have good digital management, voting should also prevent confusion.

The idea will work when all displays are 'multitouch' (the screen type may be earlier than we thought), the use of the face is still heavily used and safe, in addition to Some ways to encrypt connections to reduce suspicion.

9. Video blog

The main problem with blog videos is that they seem to be inappropriate for the Web.

Normally with WebbAlert, you can look through links - often it will have an interesting summary of the previous days and what was posted in the RSS reader before doing something - instead of watching videos. blog. The Web was created for news information (Facebook, Wikipedia is an example) and another real video blog with a 2-minute video clip on G4 or CNN.

Well, there is the idea that blog video has some problems - maybe a video blog only gives a certain taste, things that will never make it a mainstream channel - but beyond that you will find Its disadvantages, its lower quality seems to become the problem.

10. Flexible keyboard

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Perhaps so, they are portable and completely new, but removing the keyboard structure like Eleksen is a big problem.

Flexible and foldable keyboards like Brando or Eleksen ElekTex seem to be a good alternative to standard keyboards and can help mobile users type faster with smartphones.

In fact, you can hardly type fast on these models. So is there any way to improve a standard keyboard? Microsoft and Logitech International have tried to do this by adding extra buttons and some other features.

However, it is doubtful that typing on 'multitouch' screens will be faster, considering the speed on the iPhone. The speed of identification, even if it understands every word correctly, is difficult to fix your errors.

This is only the opinion of the author himself, you may not agree with one or more of the above comments but nonetheless these are worth considering and considering.

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