What's HOT in the latest Auto Chess Mobile Update?

In the updated version of Auto Chess Mobile, what new features will players experience? Let's find out with Taimienphi now!

The appearance of new generals also changes the combat system and some lineups in the current meta, some important edits and changes in Duo mode will make Auto Chess players have to get used to it a bit.

What's HOT in the latest Auto Chess Mobile Update? Picture 1What's HOT in the latest Auto Chess Mobile Update? Picture 1


- Link to download Android version: Auto Chess VN for Android
- Link to download iOS version: Auto Chess VN for iPhone
- Link to download PC version: Auto Chess for PC

Latest Auto Chess Mobile Update Information


1. New Winter Chiropteran champion appears

The new Winter Chiropteran, a Mage and Dragon, will be a good choice for the Mage Dragon team. This hero has the ability to freeze teammates and heal every second. During the frozen period, the character will not be damaged by attacks (both magic and physical).
- Cost: 1 Gold
- Race: Dragon
- System: Mage
- Ultimate : Freeze teammates and heal 10% every second, duration depends on level 2/3/4. The frozen target will not take any damage.

What's HOT in the latest Auto Chess Mobile Update? Picture 2What's HOT in the latest Auto Chess Mobile Update? Picture 2

2. New modes and other changes.

- Add Duo mode between 2 players.
- Other changes:
+ Add auto Start-up function in Setting.
+ Add auto deploy function in Setting
+ Add Serial ranking
+ Add Chess Pass level ranking

3. Additions and some corrections

- Optimized for devices.
- Added optimization guide for devices.
- Redesigned Winstreak display.
- Optimized Duo mode, added hero sharing information between players.
- Added recommended team formation function in Novice Mode.
- Added display for those who have achieved Queen rank Season 2.
- Optimized Avatar display
- Price display for items in Store.
- Can exchange items in Store.
- Can skip animations.
- Can play Random BGM on the home page.
- Star-Up button (upgrade unit on the field) is added to the game interface.
- Name change function loses Donuts instead of losing Candy.
- Steel Platemail and Lucky Coin will no longer be easily found (more difficult to get).
- Optimized display of Steel Platemail item.
- Fixed spelling error in Game Mode selection.
- Changed price of recharge packages.
- Updated Gatcha.
- Adjusted some items in the Store.
- Added effects when losing blood and can be changed in the settings.
- Can create a 2-person team to play Ranked.

Above is the detailed content of the latest Auto Chess Mobile update , a completely new addition of Winter Chiropteran to the Mage squad will be a completely interesting thing. All information about the game will be continuously updated on the website, please pay attention to follow.

During the experience, there are often lag situations that you don't know the cause of. Please refer to our How to Play Auto Chess VN without lag here, with just a few simple steps.

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