What is the time to use the Lucky Egg accelerator in Pokemon GO?
In the article "Things to know about Lucky Egg" for XP in Pokemon GO, we helped you generalize this precious item when increasing XP points for players to double in 30 minutes. However, Lucky Egg will usually only be donated when you start to level 9. Or more aggressive when we can buy in Poke Store with the amount of Pokecoins is not very cheap.
Lucky Egg will double the XP experience the player gains. There are many ways to help you gain XP, but Lucky Egg increases XP quickly. So, within 30 minutes you need to know how to take advantage of Lucky Egg quickly.
1. Use Lucky Egg when hatching eggs:
When we start hatching an egg and create a Pokemon, you get 200 XP. If Luck Egg is used at this time, the experience points will double, ie 400 XP points.
If you have four eggs available and proceed to hatch, your XP experience will be 1600 when using Luck Egg, instead of just 800 XP.
What is the time to use the Lucky Egg accelerator in Pokemon GO? Picture 1
What is the time to use the Lucky Egg accelerator in Pokemon GO? Picture 2
2. Tung Luck Egg when evolving Pokemon:
- See more article Pokemon Evolution Trick Eeevee
- Refer to Table of evolutionary details of Pokemon types
To evolve, Pokemon will need Stardust and Candy. The amount of candy used to evolve for each type will not be the same. There is a need for 50 Candy to evolve, but some will only need to use 12 Candy like Pidgey, Caterpie or Weedle. Some will be 25 Candy like Ratta or Eevee.
- How to get free Candy in Pokemon GO
- How to get free Stardust in Pokemon GO?
After successful evolution, gamers will receive for themselves 500 XP. If we use Lucky Egg at this time, there will be 1000 XP. Therefore, do not ignore the type of Pokemon that you consider "weak" in the team like Weedle or Caterpie as above. Because they can increase XP points very quickly when combined with Lucky Egg.
3. Use Lucky Egg with Incense or Lure Module:
As mentioned, the standard time to use Lucky Egg is 30 minutes. If we have Incense or Lure Module, use them to increase the efficiency of using Lucky Egg. But players need to remember, these 2 items will only use 30 minutes only.
What is the time to use the Lucky Egg accelerator in Pokemon GO? Picture 3
What is the time to use the Lucky Egg accelerator in Pokemon GO? Picture 4
Lure Module will be attached to Pokestop to bring Pokemon back to your team. But this item also has the weakness that the coach has to stand still in one place. But other players can also catch Pokemon when this item will also bring Pokemon back to them. Incese will not make us stand still, but when moving Pokemon will also return to your team.
- See more posts How to "collect" multiple Pokemon on a single point?
These are essential for players to prepare to use Lucky Egg. Note again for gamers, that is the evolution of Pokemon, we should use Lucky Egg first before evolving Pokemon. This will help increase XP score more effectively.
Wish you all have fun playing games!
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