What is spoil?

In recent times, the phrase 'Spoil' and 'Spoil Endgame' have been mentioned by netizens quite a lot. Let's find out what the meaning of 'Spoil' is used so much.

In recent times, the phrase 'Spoil' and 'Spoil Endgame' have been mentioned by netizens quite a lot. Let's find out what the meaning of 'Spoil' is used so much.

Spoil is a verb in English, used to refer to acts that reduce or undermine the quality of something.

In cinema, spoil is used to refer to the acts of revealing details and important content in certain blockbusters that make those who have not seen the film affected such as lessening the recovery and imagination. statue.

What is spoil? Picture 1What is spoil? Picture 1

In recent times, the superhero movie Avengers: Endgame has been released has caused fever worldwide. The phrase "Spoil Endgame" is also mentioned a lot and is meant to reveal important facts and content in this blockbuster movie.

The person performing the spoil action is called a spoiler.

What is spoil? Picture 2What is spoil? Picture 2

Is Spoil a review?

Unlike Spoil, review means giving an individual's sense, judgment, criticism of a certain food, movie, or tourist destination.

However, each person has a particular opinion, so the reviewer should not be too dependent on it but miss things that suit him.

With a movie review or story in the process of giving your own opinion, this may also reveal some of the details in the movie and story.

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