What is FormBook Malware? How to remove?

If you manage sensitive data, you should be concerned about the FormBook malware. Once on a network or PC, this information-stealing malware can cause irreparable damage to your company.

What is the FormBook Malware, how does it infect the computer and how can you remove this malware?

What is FormBook Malware?

FormBook is what is known as infostealer malware. After infecting your device, FormBook can steal various types of data, such as keystrokes, screenshots, cached logins in web browsers, etc. .

Worse yet, FormBook can also act as a downloader. This means it can download and execute additional malicious code on infected systems.

Malware FormBook operates under the Malware as a Service (MaaS) model, allowing cybercriminals to purchase it at a low price on the dark web.

How FormBook malware works

The FormBook Malware developers do not deploy the malware themselves, but sell it to hackers at a low price. However, FormBook subscriptions typically do not include a delivery method. Therefore, threat actors need to purchase a delivery vehicle to deploy FormBook.

Since the FormBook is decoupled from the delivery mechanism, it can use various delivery techniques to infect the system. Some of the common infection vectors for FormBook malware include but are not limited to phishing email campaigns, malicious URLs, and executable attachments.

When the FormBook malware infects the machine, it releases malicious executable code into various processes. This code then implements various functions to record keyloggers, steal clipboard data, take screenshots and perform other desired tasks.

In addition to stealing information, FormBook can also take commands from attackers. This allows hackers to install other malware on your computer via a remote command. For example, they can install ransomware and encrypt data on your computer.

FormBook is a powerful malware. It can target all popular browsers, email clients and file browsers. Therefore, you should take the necessary steps to prevent this malicious program from infecting your system and stealing sensitive information.

How to prevent FormBook malware attack

What is FormBook Malware? How to remove? Picture 1What is FormBook Malware? How to remove? Picture 1

Cybercriminals use a variety of delivery methods to deliver the FormBook payload. Here are some ways to reduce the risk posed by FormBook.

Implement anti-phishing solutions

Email phishing is the leading cause of malware infections, including FormBook. Implementing anti-phishing and spam solutions that can identify and block emails containing malicious files can reduce the risk posed by FormBook.

Using content disarming and reconstruction

By removing executable code from the document, the content disarmament and reconstruction (CDR) system helps to open files securely.

Therefore, the use of a CDR system can significantly help prevent FormBook malware infections. Furthermore, a good CDR system removes all executable content from the document, helping to prevent zero-day threats.

Equipped with a powerful anti-malware software

Installing powerful anti-malware software on endpoints can help scan all documents before users open them.

As a result, you can identify and block the FormBook threat before it infects your PC.

Apply multi-factor authentication

While applying multi-factor authentication (MFA) doesn't directly prevent you from FormBook malware attack, it can prevent hackers from using stolen credentials. This can help limit damage.

When implementing multi-factor authentication, you should take the necessary steps to prevent MFA attacks.

Deploy an intrusion detection and prevention system

Intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS) continuously monitor your network traffic to detect suspicious activity. If IDPS finds any unusual activity, IDPS will block that activity and notify you.

Here's how IDPS works:

  1. The system detects a malicious activity.
  2. Removes malicious packets and blocks traffic from the source address.
  3. The system resets the connection and configures the firewall to prevent future attacks.

Deploying a reliable intrusion detection and prevention system can prevent a FormBook attack. So determine the level of security your company requires, then choose the best intrusion detection and prevention system.

Train your staff

Since hackers often use social engineering techniques to install FormBook on victims' computers, staff training will be of great help in preventing FormBook infections. So you should make sure your employees know how to spot spam emails, attachments and malicious URLs.

Downloading free software from dubious websites can also install FormBook on a PC. So ban your employees from downloading free software, games, videos or any other programs on work computers.

Cybersecurity training programs should be customized to meet the diverse needs of employees. And make sure your training program is interactive to increase employee engagement.

You should also encourage your employees to practice safe online behavior to increase overall security within the company.

How to recognize infection with FormBook

What is FormBook Malware? How to remove? Picture 2What is FormBook Malware? How to remove? Picture 2

Here are some telltale signs of a FormBook infection:

  1. Your system runs slower when FormBook installs other programs that consume CPU and memory resources.
  2. You see increased Internet activity on your PC even when you do nothing.
  3. This is because FormBook contacts the attacker after infecting the device to download additional malware or transfer stolen data.
  4. Your anti-virus software is turned off and you cannot turn it on.
  5. Many processes that you don't remember downloaded and installed are running on your PC.

Whenever in doubt, scan your entire PC with an up-to-date antimalware program to find out if it's infected.

How to remove FormBook malware?

FormBook is a powerful malware program equipped with advanced evasion techniques.

After entering various legitimate processes, it will obfuscate the original payload. This makes it difficult to detect and remove FormBook malware.

Once you're sure your system is infected, disconnect it from the network and deploy a powerful anti-malware solution to detect and remove malware.

If your antimalware program does not remove the FormBook, you should seek professional help. Look for a cybersecurity company that specializes in malware infection removal.

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