Top 5 rumors about Twitter - Some people call Twitter a social networking site, small personal blog or even just a public messaging service. However, these things are not true at all. Twitter is a way people can send and receive free instant messages (up to 140 characters) via the Twitter website, on mobile phones. Users of this service are called "twitterers" and the messages they send are called "tweets."
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More and more people use Twitter than you think. According to the latest update from Nielsen Online's announcement, Twitter users increased by 1.382% from February 2008 to February 2009, and more than 7,000 users in the US registered in February only. This impressive number, the proportion of people who keep using Twitter at 40%.
With these interesting things on Twitter, it's no wonder there are many rumors surrounding this service. Who gave the rumors? The media, twitterers and even you can be the one who made the rumors. In this article, we will learn about the 5 most famous rumors about Twitter.
5: Twitter is just a status update
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Of course, Twitter is used to update the status. What Twitter does every time you sign up to use the service is the question: What are you doing? Usually, most people answer this question.
However, Twitter is what you make of it. It is status update. In addition, it can search (Twitter Search), share photos, mashups (combine Twitter data with information from other sources, such as news from newspapers), open API projects (TwitPic, for photo sharing), hashtags, along with marketing tools for celebrities, businesses, politicians.
4. Only famous people have many followers
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Yes, celebrities always have many fans. However, this is the truth outside of Twitter's 'history'. As we all know, the famous American actor Ashton Kutcher has 2,286,717 fans on Twitter. This number is really impressive when we know that CNN Breaking News fans are 1,866,804 people and 1,485,347 Twitter fans.
When registering for a Twitter account, anyone can read your posts and choose whether to follow you or not. If you are looking for supporters, you will have to be active. Fill in your profile, share photos, use hashtags and keep in touch with tweets. Please give your comments about what you like, don't like that you think fans want to hear. They admire and follow you because they see you as wonderful, not false. Retweeting (RT - comment) can also make your name better known.
Some Twitter users do not use these methods and choose to keep their own posts. With a personal account, you can choose who is allowed or not allowed to read your tweets. This is how you can create your own personal post. Who said that there are many fans as well? Should you put quality up on quantity?
3. There are both right and wrong ways to use Twitter
A right or wrong way to use Twitter. It is true that there are many laws of society, things no one can tell you how to or should not use a product, and with millions of users' tweets every day, people have different ways to use it. Use Twitter effectively.
Take an example from admiring someone and someone who admires you. Don't be rude when you don't read all the tweets sent by your fans. The more followers you have (hundreds, thousands), the more difficult it is. And it is not impolite when you do not admire those who have admired you. Maybe you have, maybe you don't, this depends on whether you find interest from their comments or not.
2. Twitter does not make money
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This is really true, although this is not a bad thing either. How and when do they really make money? Twitter businessmen are still not worried about this. To hear the founders and investors talk about this, Twitter emphasizes at this point they are attracting users and the profit stream is only ranked 2nd - ' if you build good service, they will come to you '.
And will this rumor about Twitter be acquired? Twitter has many competitors who want to buy this company. In 2008, Facebook expressed its desire to buy Twitter for $ 500 million of the company's shares plus cash but failed. In 2009, rumors surrounding Google will buy Twitter. However, the co-founder of the company, Biz Stone, posted on Twitter's blog that ' the company's goal is to build an independent, profitable service and we have just started working on the item. my pepper . '
1. This service is just information about life
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Of course, sometimes you want to let people know what your point of view is. However, Twitter has become an important connection tool and a way to quickly connect people with information. This service has a number of utilities to help you do the above. All are free and available on platforms like the Internet, instant messaging and SMS. This combination makes it easier for people to connect with each other.
In 2009, for example, Iranians used Twitter to organize a protest against the government, and in 2008, Twitter users helped people around the world get updates on the case. Attack in Mumbai. They do this by creating some easy-to-search tags, such as #Mumbai hashtag, on Twitter to 'spread' the word around the world.
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