The secret to drinking does not get drunk during drinking

To protect your own health and avoid bad situations that can get drunk when drunk, equip yourself with tips to help prevent alcoholism and effectively solve alcohol.

Drunkness makes people tired, headache, confusion even leaving many unhealthy sequelae. Almost everyone knows about the harmful effects of alcohol on health, but many people cannot avoid drunkenness after every festival or gathering.

To protect your own health and avoid bad situations that can get drunk when drunk, equip yourself with tips to help prevent alcoholism and effectively solve alcohol.

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The effects of drunkenness on health

  1. Drinking a lot of alcohol causes hangover, nausea, headache, decreased thinking.
  2. Affecting the brain, disturbing the activity of the cerebral cortex causes negative actions such as staggering, slow reaction, loss of control, reckless action.
  3. Memory decline.
  4. Harmful to the heart muscle, long-term use of strong alcohol can cause cardiac muscle relaxation, ventricular hypertrophy and fibrosis.
  5. Causing acute gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, alcoholism also causes complications such as gastric bleeding, gastric perforation.
  6. Impaired liver function leads to fatty liver, cirrhosis and even liver cancer.
  7. Effects on cardiovascular, blood pressure
  8. Reducing the resistance of the body so people who are drunk are susceptible to colds and wind .
  9. Drinking a lot of alcohol weakens metabolism, increases uric acid - the cause of gout.
  10. Using a lot of alcohol causes a number of mental disorders: paranoia, hallucinations, depression, increased suicidal ideation or a tendency to attack.
  11. Decline in sexual ability and reproductive health.

How to fight drunken beer effectively on Tet

1. Fruit

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Fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals as well as high potassium levels that help maintain and balance fluid in the body. So you should eat fruit before drinking to avoid getting drunk.

Fruit is also one of the most effective ways to prevent nausea.

2. Juice of green vegetables

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Alcohol is reducing, it will eliminate electrolytes and nutrients in your body.

Adding a cup of green vegetable juice will provide important nutrients for your body like vitamins, essential minerals that strengthen the body without losing water when drinking alcohol. So you should drink a glass of green vegetable juice before drinking alcohol. Some green vegetable juices benefit as spinach, kale, celery and cucumber. In addition, you can drink apple juice, lemon juice or ginger juice.

3. Water

Alcohol is dehydrated so it will dehydrate your body - this is the reason you have a headache after drinking alcohol. So you should drink water to replenish lost water for your body.

4. Cucumber

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In cucumbers, up to 95% is water. So you should eat cucumbers before drinking alcohol to provide water for your body.

In addition cucumbers also help eliminate toxins from the body. In cucumbers also contain a small amount of substances such as sugar, vitamin B and electrolytes to help prevent the intensity of headaches after drinking alcohol.

Watermelon is also a smart choice for you.

5. Milk

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Although no research has proven that drinking milk before drinking alcohol helps you not to get drunk, in fact many people apply this method successfully.

Milk is a rich source of calcium and vitamin B, so it is not harmful to the body if combined with alcohol.

6. Pickled salt

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Pickles and fermentation foods rich in electrolytes and salt water help prevent nausea. So you should eat these foods before drinking alcohol.

7. Do not mix carbonated water with alcohol

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When blending alcohol with carbonated soft drinks or mixing wines with each other, air bubbles will increase the speed at which alcohol is absorbed into the blood.

So your advice is not to mix soft drinks, carbonated water with alcohol.

8. Absolutely not leave the stomach empty

When your stomach is empty, ethanol is more easily absorbed into the body. In addition, there is nothing in your stomach so ethanol will come in direct contact with the stomach lining, which can easily cause stomach problems such as stomach ulcers. So you should eat your stomach before drinking alcohol.

How to solve alcohol quickly

Here are a few ways to help with alcohol you can choose to take advantage of the ingredients available in the family. These measures only help reduce the harmful effects of alcohol, the most important thing is that you need to own yourself to not drink too much.

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  1. Vegetables need: wash one hand, pound it and squeeze the juice, add some sugar slowly. Vegetable juice needs outside to help the wine but also helps the drunken people do not have headaches after they wake up.
  2. Fresh dong leaves: (leaves used to pack banh chung) 100-200 g, wash thoroughly, crush and squeeze the juice, add a little sugar.
  3. Tea buds of 5 g, fresh kumquat or jam jam with boiling water.
  4. The tapioca flour mixed with water to add some lemon slices to drink, will help the drunken person to regain consciousness. In addition, kudzu also helps the liver to participate in the elimination of toxins.
  5. White radish crushed, squeezed the juice, add a little sugar and drink it many times.
  6. Green beans (about 10-30 g), or pound 5-10 grams of whole green beans, orally.
  7. Eat 60 g vinegar, 15 g sugar, 3 slices ginger has crushed, mixed together and drink.
  8. Fresh lemons with a fruit, squeezed water for drinking or thinning.
  9. Tangerine peel is dried (for a long time, the better) 30 g, can be fragrant, 2 apricot apricots, put in about 300 ml of water, make a small fire 20-30 minutes then drink. You can add a little ginger or ginger tea to improve the effect.

The first aid for patients suffering from alcohol poisoning

If the victim shows signs of alcohol poisoning, the family member needs to let the patient lie low to vomit all the alcohol, then give him a porridge. About a few hours to wake up the patient to feed.

Give the victim plenty of water to avoid dehydration, it is best to drink warm water. If there is fresh ginger juice, green tea, orange juice, lemon juice, tomato juice, grapefruit juice, hot milk, . the better, the fruit juice will work to solve alcohol poisoning in mild form. .

When alcohol poisoning should not use anti-emetic drugs, analgesics or honey because harmful, susceptible to infection.

Do not let the victim bathe immediately as this is likely to cause hypothermia, hypoglycemia, stroke, hypotension.

Immediately send to the medical facility for emergency care if the patient has the following signs :

  1. The patient vomited continuously, especially when the vomit was bloody.
  2. Lay call not province after 2-3 hours.
  3. Sweating, cold hands and feet, pale skin, weak pulse.
  4. Seizures, slow breathing, irregular breathing, cyanosis.

You can refer to some of the following articles:

  1. Beat the hateful colds with honey
  2. Want skin without wrinkles, long-term children eat these foods
  3. The 6 foods you eat are more susceptible to food poisoning

Wish you have a happy moment!

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