What to eat, drink before drinking to avoid being drunk during Tet holidays?

Alcohol causes the body to lose a lot of water. So before drinking alcohol, you should give your body a sufficient amount of water. The consumption of fruits and vegetables to provide water for the body is an excellent solution, both helping to remove toxins from the body while providing water. Watermelons and cucumbers are great options to help you supply water and electrolytes to your body.

Alcohol causes the body to lose a lot of water. So before drinking alcohol, you should give your body a sufficient amount of water. The consumption of fruits and vegetables to provide water for the body is an excellent solution, both helping to remove toxins from the body while providing water. Watermelons and cucumbers are great options to help you supply water and electrolytes to your body.

1. Le

What to eat, drink before drinking to avoid being drunk during Tet holidays? Picture 1What to eat, drink before drinking to avoid being drunk during Tet holidays? Picture 1

This fruit comes from Asia. Pear juice has been shown to reduce alcohol side effects by up to 20%. Eating a pear or drinking a glass of pear juice before drinking alcohol will help you limit getting drunk or may help you to quench your alcohol more quickly.

2. Green juice

What to eat, drink before drinking to avoid being drunk during Tet holidays? Picture 2What to eat, drink before drinking to avoid being drunk during Tet holidays? Picture 2

Drinking green fruit juices before drinking alcohol helps provide electrolytes and essential nutrients for your body. Alcohol is known to cause the body's loss of electrolytes, leading to intoxication.

In addition, green juices are also a solution to help you resolve alcohol faster when you are drunk or after vomiting.

3. Sweet potatoes

What to eat, drink before drinking to avoid being drunk during Tet holidays? Picture 3What to eat, drink before drinking to avoid being drunk during Tet holidays? Picture 3

Sweet potatoes contain low carbohydrate levels that help maintain blood sugar levels and help your stomach feel full. One of the immutable rules of drinking alcohol is to not let your stomach be in a state of "hunger" because it is easy to get drunk.

Before drinking beer or alcohol, remember to eat a few sweet potatoes so that you no longer get drunk.

4. Watermelon

What to eat, drink before drinking to avoid being drunk during Tet holidays? Picture 4What to eat, drink before drinking to avoid being drunk during Tet holidays? Picture 4

Alcohol causes the body to lose a lot of water. So before drinking alcohol, you should give your body a sufficient amount of water. The consumption of fruits and vegetables to provide water for the body is an excellent solution, both helping to remove toxins from the body while providing water. Watermelons and cucumbers are great options to help you supply water and electrolytes to your body.

5. Fresh milk

What to eat, drink before drinking to avoid being drunk during Tet holidays? Picture 5What to eat, drink before drinking to avoid being drunk during Tet holidays? Picture 5

Fresh milk plays a role in maintaining water for the body. Also in fresh milk contains high potassium content, when you drink alcohol your body tends to lose potassium. We all know that when we drink alcohol, we urinate more often than usual, and the amount of potassium will also be "depleted" very quickly.

So before 'lifting the cup', you should supplement your body with foods rich in potassium such as bananas or fresh milk, .

6. Eggs

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In addition to being high in protein, eggs are also rich in cysteine ​​- an amino acid that helps break down harmful substances in alcohol. Breaking down toxins helps you feel like vomiting and when you've vomited everything, you will feel much better.

7. Asparagus

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The amino acids found in asparagus have been shown to play a role in the metabolism of alcohol to 'waste' alcohol faster from the body. Drinking too much alcohol can damage the liver, and that's why eating asparagus is recommended to protect your liver cells.

8. Salt stomach cucumber

What to eat, drink before drinking to avoid being drunk during Tet holidays? Picture 8What to eat, drink before drinking to avoid being drunk during Tet holidays? Picture 8

The salty taste of salt cucumbers will compensate for the loss of electrolytes when drinking or drunk. The famous salt stomach cucumber is an anti-emetic 'remedy'. Before drinking alcohol, eat some salt cucumbers to provide electrolytes to your body and you can rest assured that you no longer worry about getting drunk.

Refer to some of the following articles:

  1. Do not store these foods in the refrigerator
  1. Signs of your body are missing a serious vitamin
  1. Let food cool before putting it in the refrigerator, so should it or should it not?

Wish you have happy moments with family and relatives!

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