10 unexpected benefits when raising a dog you may not know

If you have a pet friend like a dog, you have a lot of reasons to thank him. If you're considering wanting a dog, take a look at the amazing benefits of raising them.
  1. How to handle and escape when the dog attacks

Dogs are not only close friends of humans but also bring many unexpected benefits not all of us know. If you have a pet friend like a dog, you have a lot of reasons to thank him. If you're considering wanting to raise a dog, take a look at the amazing benefits of raising them. Here are 10 unexpected benefits when raising dogs you may not know yet.

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1. Exercise more

Owning a dog can be an incentive for you to exercise every day. During the time you can easily skip the habit of practicing high-intensity exercise, when you see the dog standing next to you waiting for a walk, you may need to go out. Taking your dog for about 30 minutes a day will improve your health.

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2. Reduce stress

Many scientific studies have shown that raising dogs reduces the level of human stress. Loving, playing with them or simply looking at them can help you reduce stress every day. Surveys show that when dog owners reduce stress hormones caused by taking time to care for them.

3. Expanding social relations

Walking with your dog every day not only helps you exercise, but also helps you have other meetings. It seems that people often stop talking to you when you see you walking the dog. Going to parks with lots of dogs or training your dog to do odd jobs can also catch the attention of strangers to talk to you about your dog.

4. Can detect cancer soon

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The dog's sense of smell is so sensitive that it can be used for a variety of purposes, including cancer detection. Many dog ​​owners have recounted that the elbows' smells and licks the dog later turned out to be cancerous. One of the unexpected benefits of having a dog is saving your life by discovering cancer.

5. Reduce allergies in young children

Children who have fun with dogs are less likely to be allergic. In fact, keeping dogs in the home can help children grow faster and increase their allergy resistance to pets later.

6. Heart healthier

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Studies show that dog tenderness reduces the rate of heart attack in humans, so dog owners almost have a healthy heart. In fact, some studies show that dog owners will be saved from heart attack more than those who don't. Especially dog-raising men tend to reduce the level of heart disease.

See also: 6 warning signs of heart attack in women should not be ignored

7. Fewer boredom

The benefits of raising dogs also make your mental health more open. Dog owners will feel less bored. Dog owners who are diagnosed with depression are not as difficult as those who don't. Dog care helps reduce depressive symptoms and encourages people to be more optimistic.

8. Become less stressful when you get older

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The benefit of keeping dogs for the elderly is shown in many things, as Alzheimer's patients are less likely to get angry when there is a pet dog in the house. Caregivers of old people can reduce stress because the dog will bring great friendship to the elderly.

9. Minimize dangerous diseases

Dog owners will have less health problems. They are less likely to suffer from triglycerides (the type of fat that accounts for 95% of the daily fat we consume in the diet, is also a major component in vegetable oils and animal fats. High triglycerides are the main cause of these dangerous diseases such as stroke, high blood pressure, myocardial infarction, . ) and cholesterol ( or blood fat is a wax-like sticky fat made from the liver to serve many important functions in the muscle ) than those who do not own dogs. Because dogs carry a lot of germs that can help build the immune system in the body against disease. The results show that owners of dogs often suffer from less diseases and are less serious than those who do not.

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10. Feel protected

Dogs can be used as an effective security system for your home. Studies show that their barking prevents thieves. Because when you have a dog with sensitive hearing can detect anyone who is snooping, increasing your sense of security, this is great for your mind and body.

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Having fun!

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