10 ways to solve alcohol are simple but extremely effective
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You had an extremely happy evening last night and are now lying in bed with a dry mouth, the brain is almost inoperable even when it's outside in the morning, a new day catches head. However, you can't let that unpleasant feeling hang on for a long day.Try one of 10 ways to solve alcohol very simple but extremely effective below to get rid of the ruins of drunkenness!
If you are going to drink, use these tips to drink alcohol without being drunk.
1. Drink plenty of water
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This is the first thing you need to do right after returning home from the party. You feel uncomfortable when you are drunk because your body is dehydrated - by drinking too much alcohol and not providing enough water! If you always remember this, you can alternate between a glass of wine and a glass of water during the party that night to completely avoid the drunkenness.
Otherwise, drink plenty of water when you wake up the next morning. The body will be compensated for the lost water and you will feel much better.
2. Sports drinks
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Drink a little Gatorade ( a sports drink brand that adds water, electrolytes, carbohydrates and many other nutrients with the perfect ingredients for regular athletes or bodybuilders ) or Powerade ( line Coca Cola's sports-oriented products . Of course, this drink is not as good as water because they are not natural, but will help to supply water to the body! Moreover, this drink also contains electrolytes and sodium that the body needs to supplement after the wine party.
3. Juice
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Basically, drinking anything that doesn't contain too much alcohol is good for the body. Fruit juices can compensate for body fluids like mineral water and sports drinks. In addition, sugar in fruit juice also helps to burn alcohol quickly and your body can restore the vitamin by itself.
However, you should not drink too sour water, especially on an empty stomach. If possible, make a thin slice of lemon and have less salt, and suck it for a while to help it feel better.
4. Drink coffee
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Drinking two cups of coffee, no more is no less, enough to soothe a headache like a hammer. Coffee acts as a vasoconstrictor, reducing the influx of blood vessels that cause headaches. If you still have to try to get up to work the next morning, caffeine is no harm!
5. Eat bananas or kiwi
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Not all fruits will make you feel better, if incorrect choices can make your body worse. Try eating bananas or kiwi. This is an abundant source of potassium, a mineral that has lost quite a lot when taken due to the diuretic effect of alcohol.
6. Honey toast or biscuits
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Starch helps you feel better by increasing blood sugar, so eat some toast or biscuits. If possible, add some honey. Honey is a concentrated source of fructose; So like fruit juice, alcohol can be burned in the body.
7. Use painkillers
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It is possible to use the medicine if the above natural methods do not help you, but be sure to take aspirin or ibuprofen instead of Tylenol ( also called paracetamol ). Tylenol is useful for treating headaches, but with a liver that is converting alcohol, it can cause liver damage or even damage the liver.
8. A nutritious meal
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It's hard to have a delicious meal after a drunk - you crave greasy foods or nothing! Fast food is the easiest and most convenient way, but not the best for you. A balanced, nutritious meal will help your body replenish essential nutrients that have been lost when drinking too much alcohol.
9. Amino acid supplements and vitamins
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Look for amino acids outside the health food store. Amino acids form protein blocks that have been depleted after drinking too much alcohol. In addition, you can also take vitamin B to shorten the duration of intoxication.
10. Exercise
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It takes about an hour for a new glass of wine to be fully metabolized in the body, which means you cannot exercise to push the alcohol out. Exercise does not heal drunkenness, but will help you feel much more comfortable.
Exercise helps release the excitement of endorphins, and when you burn calories, you can relieve the feeling of anxiety because you've had too much to drink the night before. Remember to always carry a bottle of water to keep your body from becoming dehydrated!
See also: 5 simple ways to minimize the impact of alcohol
Having fun!
You should read it
- The secret of refusing to drink alcohol
- Alcohol contains 13 essential minerals for the body and 10 facts about beer and alcohol that you don't know
- Tips to help you get rid of alcohol quickly and effectively
- What to eat, drink before drinking to avoid being drunk during Tet holidays?
- Things not to do after drinking alcohol, especially during Tet
- Alcohol poisoning: symptoms and treatment
- Blushing after drinking alcohol, the hidden sign of a dangerous disease many people don't expect
- How to drink water? See advice from experts!
- What happens when you stop drinking for about 21 days?
- How to solve the problem quickly at home
- How to beat alcohol with drinks
- 4 effects of alcohol on the brain that many people do not know
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