The most famous haunted dolls in the world

The haunted, cursed dolls below always devastate furniture in the house and even seek to occupy both the soul and the body of the owner that makes anyone who owns them terrified.

The haunted, cursed dolls below always devastate furniture in the house and even seek to occupy both the soul and the body of the owner that makes anyone who owns them terrified.

Let's review the list of haunted dolls, bring evil spirits to bring unfortunate things, woes on their owners.

1. Mandy doll

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In 1991, a woman named Mereanda brought a doll to the Quensnel Museum in British Columbia, Canada. She said that one night when she went down to check the basement because she heard a strange cry, she was terrified when she saw the open window and an old doll sitting on it staring at her. The next morning, Mrs. Mereanda brought the doll to the museum.

The doll is named Mandy. Its face had many cracks, crumpled, old clothes and it seemed to be produced in England or Germany around 1910 to 1920.

When Mandy was brought into the museum, strange and scary things happened. The staff found their food somewhere else, not the place they had left before, many other things mysteriously disappeared . Every night, they heard footsteps walking around. but no one was seen.

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People began investigating the origins of Mandy dolls but without results, no one knew how and where they came from. But they all believe that Mandy has an incredible power.

The face cracks, smiles and mysterious looks scared many people so Mandy is transferred from the entrance of the museum to a separate room.

But for some reason, when the Mandy filmmakers and photographers were obscured by a strange light source, all cameras were then turned off automatically. When they leave that room, these machines work normally.

Many visitors feel there are eyes that keep an eye on them when visiting the museum. They even saw Mandy moving to another position and returning to her place in the blink of an eye.

Robert doll

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Robert's American doll is the most famous haunted doll in the world. It was the inspiration for the filmmakers to create Chucky's killer killer doll in the famous movie "Ghost doll".

Robert Doll is a homemade gift of her, the Bahamas model for boy Robert Eugene Otto before being kicked out of the house. After that, many bizarre phenomena happened. Natural household items are broken or disappear; gold and silver and glass items in the dining room fall apart; automatic cushion covers cower, crumpled; clothes are torn .

The family members say that this doll can move on its own, changing expression according to the liking, even laughing. And the neighbors confirmed, they saw the doll move from one window to another.

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Eugene loves to talk to the doll especially at night, many claim that he has answered his voice. Eugene Robert gradually weakened and became strange. Every night, he sneaked through the window and wandered in the night. When he saw people wondering about strange things that happened, he always said, "Robert did it!".

Eugene still loved Robert's doll until he got married. But after getting married, Eugene's wife suddenly went mad and died of unknown causes.

Robert dolls were transferred to the new owner after Eugene died. But soon, the new owner quickly left because of his fear of its obsession and harassment. Finally Robert was given to the Martello Museum, Key West.

But even in the museum, the Robert doll doesn't stop messing. Anyone who filmed, photographed without permission, their camera would always be mysteriously broken.

Doll Annabelle

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In 1970, Annabelle doll was bought by a woman from a second hand shop to give to her daughter, Donna. The daughter loves it and often puts it on the headboard.

But shortly after, strange and mysterious phenomena began to occur. The doll can move on its own, change its posture, even stand straight on fabric legs . Old parchment pieces with scribbled words of children " help us " Show mystery.

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Too frightened, Donna went to the psychic and knew that there was a soul of a lost girl when she built this house hiding in the Annabelle doll. This soul said, it loves the boss today and wants to stay. The doll continues to hold the house but strange phenomena still occur, it even attacks Donna's friend when she comes to play.

Thanks to two famous psychic, Donna knows that the soul inside the doll is not a girl's but a demon's desire to occupy the girls' souls.

Donna gave the Annabelle doll to Warren Mystical Museum, of Moodus Village, East Haddam town, Connecticut, USA.

Dolls by Patty Reed

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In 1846, Patty Reed was 8 years old, she traveled with her family and brought her doll. Unfortunately, the whole team was trapped in the blizzard. Due to the depletion of food, they must eat even live mice that eat meat together to survive. After that, Patty's family was saved. Currently, the doll is displayed at the Sutter's Fort State Historical Museum in Sacramento, California. Many people believe that this doll was possessed by witnessing the sight of humans eating each other in the past.

Joliet doll

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Joliet is the doll that Anna inherited from her great-grandmother. This is a gift given by her great-grandmother's enemy. For four generations, the women in her family were cursed. They both gave birth to 2 children, one boy and one girl, but the son was always mysteriously dead when he was only 3 days old.

Every night, Mrs. Anna still hears giggles and screams in the house. Many people believe that it is the cry of children being cursed by a doll.

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