The sky of blood, the mysterious natural phenomenon challenges the intelligence of modern scientists
Thanks to the development of science and technology, scientists have deciphered many mysteries, helping us to have a more accurate view of the immense world. But there are still mysterious natural phenomena outside our understanding and beyond the reach of today's science such as the sky of blood, cosmic jelly, morning glory clouds .
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Star Jelly - Star Jelly
We are very familiar with natural phenomena such as rain, hail, snow, sleet, . appearing in the sky but certainly not many people know about the phenomenon of cosmic jelly - Star Jelly. Strange jelly-like substances appear on the grass or trunk.
The sky of blood, the mysterious natural phenomenon challenges the intelligence of modern scientists Picture 1
After analysis, the researchers found that the jelly contained traces of bacteria and DNA of earthworms. In addition, this substance contains exotic ingredients that can be used in medicine to treat abscesses.
This phenomenon occurs in many parts of the world but very rarely because it will quickly evaporate. Many witnesses have seen the jelly fall from the sky so many people believe that it originated from the universe.
Morning Glory Clouds - Morning Glory Clouds
The tube-shaped clouds of length can be up to 1 km and at a height of 1 to 2 km from the ground appearing in the state of Queensland (Australia) in the morning every spring, many people are surprised.
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These strange shaped clouds also have a relatively fast movement speed of up to 60 km / h, accompanied by sudden gusts of wind, reverse winds.
For Australian aborigines, this phenomenon is an indicator of an increase in the number of birds in the area.
Many scientists hypothesize that the unique combination of sea breeze and moisture change has created this strange natural phenomenon but they cannot give proof.
Bloody Sky - Bloody Sky
In April 2016, Chalchuapa and El Salvador's sky was covered by a scary red for about 1 minute and quickly faded into light pink.
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Many believe that this phenomenon is bad luck, related to war, hunger or disease . But some believe that this strange phenomenon is the effect of meteor shower also takes place in April.
The Great Attractor - The Great Attractor
Astronomers discovered a "mysterious" area with an unusually large gravitational force, which is a million times more massive than our Sun, located in the vicinity of the Galaxy Field Soap - Sagittarius, close to the center of the Super Lan Lanea ncos.
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Great attractions.(Photo:
This gravity is so great, our Milky Way, even 220 million light-years away, is being pulled towards it at a speed of more than 2 million km / h.
In 2016, astronomers used CSIRO's Parkes radio telescope to see through the Milky Way gas and many stars in search of answers to this strange phenomenon. As a result, they discovered nearly 900 galaxy clusters here but could not explain the concentration of a large number of galaxies such as the Geat Attractor.
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