The magical moments of the web (part 2)

The birth of wikis, blogs, and the catastrophe of Hurricane Katrina, the first experience with a handy webmail service ... It looks simple, but it's a huge milestone. important in the development of the web.

The magical moments of the web (part 2) Picture 1The magical moments of the web (part 2) Picture 1 Magical moments of the web (Part 1)

The birth of wikis, blogs, and the catastrophe of Hurricane Katrina, the first experience with a handy webmail service . It looks simple, but it's a huge milestone. important in the development of the web.

8. Oddpost web mail service was born (February 16, 2003).

In 2003, anyone using Hotmail and Yahoo mail probably had a desktop email program. That is because the use of web mail services has many troublesome steps. To make some changes in the inbox - like sorting a message in a folder or deleting spam - requires a lot of clicks and a round trip to the servers of the service, then you will sit and wait.

Oddpost controls to create a Webmail service that makes it feel as if it is running on your hard drive. You can drag and drop files to organize your mailbox and quickly view messages. Yahoo loved the idea and bought the company. Later, the company used this technology to build the foundation for its new mail service.

9. Announcing the list of Craig Newmark (October 24, 1995)

As many web events have affected later, Craiglist has been said to be unimaginable in terms of profitability.

In March 195, Craig Newmark gave up the job of a software architect for Charles Schwab in San Francisco and started his career with a mailing list. Here subscribers can share information about interesting cultural events on the Bay Area.

As this list grows, people start sending messages to find homes, jobs and other topics. In October of that year, Craig turned his personal listing into a public website with address.

In September 1997, Craig's list became In early 1998, the site started charging fees for employment listings and in 1999, became a company and began to pay employees.

Today, there are 450 branches of Craiglist in 50 countries and more than 25 million unique visitors each month. The service left a mark and brought the classified advertising market out of paper newspapers.

10. Friendster creates connection (March 2003)

MySpace is large, and Facebook is attractive. However, none of the two names mentioned above or any other social network is as it is today without Friendster.

Opened the digital portal to the public in March 2003, this is the first site to explore the connection between users.

Founder Jonathan Abrams said he came up with the main idea of ​​Friendster from anonymity on matchmaking sites.

' I want to bring another experience to the online world where there is an integration between the online world and offlie. You can bring your real life to the web, through which you can create relationships like real life . ' He said.

This idea has quickly exploded. In July 2003, Friendster had more than 1 million users. However, the connection between multiple users has made this site impasse and quickly overtaken by other rivals.

The magical moments of the web (part 2) Picture 2The magical moments of the web (part 2) Picture 2 11. Wiki post first (January 15, 2001)

Everyone is an expert. It's an idiom that can't be more true for Wikipedia - the online encyclopedia that everyone can write or edit in any field regardless of the level of personal understanding. Currently, Wikipedia has more than 2 million articles in English (out of more than 7 million articles) in all areas from A to Z.

Although, Jimmy Wales, the 'father' of Wikipedia, doesn't remember what the first post on Wikipedia is, but he said the first word he typed in wiki software was "Hello World".

12. eBay completed the first auction (September 3, 1995).

Not long ago, the only way to get rid of old things out of the garage was to open an auction in the home garden. eBay changed all that. There are tens of thousands of small and medium businesses using eBay as the store's main facade, bringing e-commerce to everyone.

Following eBay's history, the first item to be auctioned is a broken laser needle that sells for $ 14.83. After that, transactions worth billions of dollars have been completed.

However, eBay is also the first site to create an acknowledged reputation system on the Net, according to Chris Dellarocas, professor of economics at the University of Maryland, who specializes in studying the formation of reputation in the online world. review

13. Blog from the heart of the storm about survivors in New Orleans (August 28, 2005)

When the 5th grade storm hit New Orleans, Michael Barnes wrote: ' We are standing on the 10th and 11th floors of the whole house on Poydras Ave, right next to St.Charles. We have generators and tons of food and drinking water. All only 5 people. I'm not sure how the Internet connection is affected. Wind speed is 175km / h, sometimes up to 215km / h. The real danger is not the wind but the waves from outside the Gulf that are entering the city . '

For 5 days, Barnes and his colleagues provided live news, images of historic storms. Tens of thousands of netizens have visited the blog every day, reading and watching news that cannot be on CNN or in the New York Times.

14. Jerry and David mark the Web (February 1994).

In early 1994, two Stanford University students Jerry Yang and David Filo posted a list of their favorite websites on the web. The exact time to put links online has been forgotten but the original name of the list is still mentioned: Jerry and David's Guide to the World Wide Web (Guide to the WWW world of Jerry and David). In April 1994, this list has a new name: " Yet Another hierarchical Officious Oracle ", or briefly called Yahoo !.

Yahoo has been a pioneer in creating web catalogs for the purpose of providing all types of web pages. However, it is impossible, Yahoo has "reborn" to become a web portal, aggregating links. search, news, instant messaging, e-mail, image hosting, job search and some other services. While other competitors such as Lycos or Excite die slowly or are swallowed up by big companies, Yahoo keeps growing. And at this point, Yahoo is still a giant and an indispensable name in web history.

15. Scandal Lewinsky on Drudge (11h32 am, January 17, 1998)

One day after Newsweek rejected a new scandal going on in the White House under Clinton, The Drudge Report referred to Monica Lewinsky. This is the first good example of how the web goes beyond national media, and, of course, it is not the last example.

When telegraph machines can completely replace pony express (the method of delivering letters by horse), the traditional mass media also realize that they can hardly compete with the Net and start a journey through yourself by publishing new articles on the web and then printing. Some others do not switch to the web, they have to renew themselves or choose both ways: traditional and online. A news era on the web begins.

Mai Dinh

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