Cool the computer in the summer

The following unique 'toys' will help computer users cool down the beloved computer and yourself in the sweltering heat of summer.

The following unique 'toys' will help computer users cool down the beloved computer and yourself in the sweltering heat of summer.

Computer components when operating will radiate a lot of heat and they can only withstand certain temperatures. The higher the processor clock, the greater the heat output. When overheated, the device may hang or worse burn down the delicate components and circuits inside.

While manufacturers like Intel or AMD try to improve the chip structure to reduce power consumption and heat, users who are passionate about speeding up always push the chip closer to the threshold with overclocking techniques.

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Hundreds of cool things for computers with selling prices from a few tens of thousands to millions of VND.Photo: Hung Hai .

Unusual heat sometimes up to over 40 degrees Celsius in some provinces in Vietnam may be a danger for computers operating in conditions without air conditioning. However, users can choose the 'toys' below to cool down the beloved computer and themselves.

1. Cooling the desktop

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Thermaltake's "dinosaur" water radiator.Photo: Hung Hai.

In normal operating mode, the temperature of the chip is 10 - 15 degrees Celsius higher than the external ambient temperature. Because it is the 'heart' of the computer, the chip heat sink is made by many manufacturers. The most popular is CoolerMaster, Gigabyte and Thermaltake.

This type of heat sink is quite diverse in both design and style. The simplest is the type that keeps the design but uses copper material to increase the heat dissipation capacity compared to the aluminum of the chip attached fan. This type ranges from 10 to 20 USD each.

More complicated are the water radiators operating in the '2-way' pit: the temperature of the chip is 'sucked' into a copper heat sink mounted in a normal heat sink position. The heat is then driven by a water pipe to the cooler and to cool the outside of the case rather than blowing around the case with a conventional fan. External equipment is both an 'air conditioner' and a pump for pumping circulating water in the system. More cumbersome, but the heat sink helps stabilize the temperature of the entire system, not just the chip itself.

In addition to the chip, each internal component also has its own heat dissipation device. Types of fans for hard drives, heat sinks for RAM, . are sold for about 25,000 - 30,000 VND.

Most heat sinks feed 'power' from the machine's power supply. Users need to be equipped with a power supply that is strong enough to bear the load for additional fans. Air blower from the case is sold for 15,000 - 50,000 VND depending on the type, can be mounted on the available positions available on the computer case for better ventilation. However, the more fans, the more power is consumed and the more noisy the computer operates.

2. Cooling for laptops

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With VND 160,000, the laptop heat sink is also an additional USB hub slot for laptops.

Unlike desktops, laptops have a complete structure of space in the device and are almost impossible to add anything inside. The machine itself has its own cooling system according to the manufacturer's design. Some older laptops have a fan running continuously, but new machines only allow fans to run when the temperature is in the machine to a certain extent. The new method saves battery life and reduces noise when operating. After a period of use, the fan can be no longer good or dust reduces the ability to circulate inside the air, the temperature when operating a laptop is hotter than when buying a new one.

Some Chinese companies produce new types of heat sinks for laptops, prices in Vietnam range from VND 160,000 to VND 250,000 each depending on type. These are dock (dock) with about 2-3 fans from the USB port constantly blowing wind on the cooling for laptops. Some use external power to save computer battery, while also playing the role of USB hub to extend the number of USB ports on laptops.

However, this type of heat sink only blows the coolant outside, not the hot air inside the computer. The role of heat dissipation remains largely dependent on the internal cooling system. To 'take care' of this system, users can buy a vacuum cleaner plugged in USB port (about 50,000 VND) to clean the airway.

3. Cooling for users

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Thermaltake air cleaners.Photo: XSoft Gear .

In the hot weather, the computer is sluggish, the cooling measures for users will also be necessary to ensure safety for . computers. A small fan attached to a USB port sold for VND 80,000 is an effective means to reduce sweat. This tiny fan has a safe soft wing, is powered by USB and has a soft body to adjust to every angle. Some types are also equipped with 7-color LED lights to help users 'cool down'.

Thermaltake, the maker of computer toys, brings a refreshment to computer users with an Ozone Air Cleaner air filter fitted with a 5 ¼ inch slot with a CD drive. The price in Vietnam of this device is about VND 465,000. When operating, the machine blows ozone into the air to eliminate harmful bacteria, deodorizing makes the air fresh again. Ozone Air Cleaner takes air from inside the case so it also contributes to reducing the whole machine temperature.

If your computer is constantly exposed to this hot environment this summer, you should try to apply an appropriate cooling method to not affect the operation of the machine (the lower the temperature, the computer processor The faster and more stable operation - NV). This is also an effective measure to protect the computer against unnecessary malfunction due to hot weather.

Hung Hai

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