'Secret' helps you conquer her in the first date
Many guys struggled to make an appointment for her to go out, but when faced, all the words they wanted to say were "hiding" anywhere. A date can be like an important interview, if you perform well in front of her and leave sympathy then you have succeeded, but if unfortunately you lose points, consider your chance completely dissolved.
With 6 experiences below will help you be more confident and can make beautiful people "beaten" before a witty, smart guy like you. Let's try it.
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1. Smart chat to avoid asking what to say
'Secret' helps you conquer her in the first date Picture 1
In the first date, you should not keep quiet but take the initiative to talk to her first so that the meeting does not become bland. In the conversation instead of talking too much about yourself, talk to her and ask her to find the most similarities between the two to help the two have a pleasant conversation. Avoid asking mass questions to the opponent like asking: "How old are you? What do you do? How many people do you have .?" will make the enemy bored to answer the question of your abundance and your tastelessness. Note that it is not advisable to talk about your ex in front of an opponent.
2. Pay the bill
'Secret' helps you conquer her in the first date Picture 2
The first appointment whether you go out to eat or drink coffee, pay all the costs of that date, even if you don't like the other person, don't think about the idea of splitting the money, because so you Having lost the point in front of the opponent made them think that you are a lethargic and stubborn guy. Even if she asked for payment, but you should definitely not let her pay, be a gentleman, but to be honest, she just tried to see how much she was.
Besides, choose an ideal place for you to make sure your purse is tolerable and don't spend too much on this first date, leave this until you really understand her. . In fact, you don't have to worry too much because if you have a second date, she will probably pay or will definitely split the money in that date with you. As for the miners, only the second time will say goodbye.
3. Do not forget the sense of humor
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Most women like romantic and funny men. They are very hard to resist the charm of humorous, witty guys, because those guys give them fun and excitement. Not only that in this first meeting, you always make her laugh and laugh with your funny stories, surely you have succeeded beyond expectations.
4. Appropriate and impressive costumes
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During this date it is not like regular customer or friend appointments, this is an important appointment that makes you happy all your life so dress appropriately in the context of your appointment. For men, it is advisable to wear a vest and a cut, neat, clean and fragrant hair. For women, it is best to wear a beautiful outfit that makes me feel comfortable. Do not want to impress but choose an outfit too fussy, flashy makeup makes you become old or wear too high clogs compared to everyday will make it difficult for you to move . only one thing A small productivity will make you lose your self-confidence and lose your sympathy in your eyes.
5. Time of the date
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In a date, don't let the date go too long, don't be too short, so she feels down. Dating as well as eating a dish, don't eat too much of a dish that will make us feel bored quickly, but instead eat more in the following days and want to eat a little more. It is also a good time to end the appointment. Note that you should not choose an appointment place too far from home, because the distance from the rendezvous point will be very far away, it will ruin everything you are trying.
6. Break up the appointment
'Secret' helps you conquer her in the first date Picture 6
If you feel satisfied because your new friend is dating and wants to see her again more, then take the initiative to contact her first and tell her that. Remember not to let it be so long before calling so you will make her think you don't have feelings for her and will make her forget you quickly. You also need to show sincere attitude in every word, avoid throwing or joking around at the time you are new.
Good luck!
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