Released Google Chrome 66, focusing on security
Chrome 66, version 66.0.3359.117 was officially released a Stable version and updated to users yesterday.
Besides many corrected errors, this Chrome version also has many new APIs and features, most notably security related features.
No longer trusting Symantec's certificate
The biggest change is that Google began displaying SSL certificate errors for all Symactec certificates before June 1, 2016. This is the 'second phase' in the long-term plan to stop using this Google certificate, intending to completely stop trusting Symantec certification on Chrome 70, scheduled to be released in October this year.
Launching Strict Site Isolation feature
The second feature related to official security "surf" on Chrome 66 is Strict Site Isolation, inherent from version 63 but by default is disabled and hidden in Chrome Flag. Strict Site Isolation is one of the security features that helps Chrome mitigate the Specter vulnerability discovered in January.
Prevent code injection in Chrome
From Chrome 66, Google will display a warning when third-party software - usually antivirus or security tools, bug fixes (debug) - inject code into Chrome's process. The plan is to block 3rd party code injections from Chrome 72, which will be released in 1/2019. The intermediate stage is Chrome 68 when Google has a blocking plan but still allows it if Chrome doesn't start.
Released Google Chrome 66, focusing on security Picture 1
Notice when a third party wants to inject code into the browser
In addition, you may also expect the ability to automatically mute the spontaneous videos that have been long expected by users (note that the video will still play, only the sound will be turned off), except for pages. 'shows you are interested in media files', such as YouTube, for example, because you often watch videos on that page.
Types of errors (bugs) in the testing process
To see the full changes on Chrome 66, read the blog post of the Chromium group here ( .html ), or a full changelog here ( ). If you are interested in security flaws, here ( ) is a list of bugs that have been fixed on Chrome 66. Months This, the Chrome team fixed 62 security bugs.
See more:
- Chrome allows users to mute the website permanently
- Following the trail of Internet Explorer 6, does Google Chrome fail?
- How to enable Site Isolation security feature on Chrome
You should read it
- Chrome 63 protects from malicious pages better, will also consume more memory
- Google launched Chrome 33, patched 7 new security bugs
- Google will release weekly security updates for Chrome
- Warning: Google Chrome is experiencing serious security errors, patch updates right away
- How to update Google Chrome to the latest version
- Chrome 19 syncs tabs on all devices
- Google halted Chrome release to 'keep the situation steady'
- Google put a hand on the tool bar on Chrome
- Chrome 16 launches with 'standalone' feature
- How to enable Site Isolation security feature on Chrome
- Please download Google Chrome 62 for Windows, Mac and Linux
- Google updates Chrome to prevent Microsoft from mistaking it for malware
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