Play mobile games on the web with Bluestacks X
Bluestacks X is a cloud game service developed as a computer Android emulator. This platform helps players to play mobile games on PC and Laptop browsers and does not need to install emulators on computers.
And so, those who have low computer configuration or do not support VT can use this option. Although the current configuration of Bluestacks is not too high.
The number of games appearing in Bluestack X is also not much. Currently, Bluestacks X also limits the number of games available on this platform with about 20 games in the beta phase. This number is likely to increase further in the near future. If you want to try this new feeling with Bluestacks X, then check out the instructions below.
Play mobile games without emulator with Bluestacks X
Step 1: Access Bluestacks X by following the link below, then select the game you want to play.
Link to access Bluestacks X here.
Currently the list of games that you can play on Bluestacks X currently is:
- Disney Sorter's Arena
- Dynasty Scrolls
- Dawn of Zombies
- Dragon Storm Fantasy
- RAID: Shadow Legends
- Hero Wars – Hero Fantasy
- The Walking Dead No Man's
- Rise of Kingdoms: Lost Crusade
- Idle Heroes
- MapleStory USA
- Matchington Mansion
- Merge Magic!
- Lords Mobile: Kingdom Wars
- Looney Tunes™ World
- Crush Them All
- Infinity Kingdom
- King of Avalon
- War Robots. 6v6
- Pirates of the Caribbean
- Evony
Step 2: Then log in to your Google, Facebook or Discord account.
Step 3: How to play mobile games on Bluestacks X will not be much different than on the Bluestacks emulator installed directly on the computer. The control keys and function keys in the game will be set automatically and standard for each game. At the same time when entering the game your browser will switch to full screen mode.
During the game, if you want to fine-tune options such as sound, show shortcuts when playing, press F11 to minimize the game screen.
All icons in the game titles will be assigned shortcuts, if you are new to opening these features, you can use the mouse to perform the operation to open the feature.
Although it does not require high configuration, at least your computer must have a RAM capacity of 4GB or more. And you should also limit opening many browser tabs when playing games.
Simple and fast, now you can play mobile games right on the web without having to install an Android emulator on your PC with Bluestacks X. Hopefully in the near future, the developer will increase the number of games. play is available on Bluestacks X for players to experience.
Some other related questions
Is Bluestacks X free?
Yes, it is free and unlike other cloud game platforms or services. You don't have to pay any subscription fees to start playing or access any games from the library.
You should read it
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