Nyxem.D ranked fourth out of 10 dangerous viruses at the beginning of the year

Although it has stopped spreading since January 6, Sober.Z is still a "terrorist" when accounting for 45% of the dangerous software that British security firm Sophos recorded in January. The ranking also "welcomes" the entry of worms hidden under Nyxem.D sex pictures.
Sober.Z's recession from the beginning of the month has led to important changes in the rest of the chart with the presence of the "Kama Sutra" worm (the name of a love script, also called Love). Kinh, of India) and the return of the previous two "precedent" variants are Netsky.D and Mytob.AS.
Nyxem.D was first discovered on January 18 and quickly took fourth place.It is also programmed to insert content onto Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, PhotoShop, Acrobat files stored on the device today (February 3)."This Kama Sutra worm is reminiscent of a period in which e-mail with pornographic files is often used to attract attention and lure people to open attachments," Carole Theriault, Sophos security advisor, to speak."Worse, the files stored on the infected computer system are in danger of being wiped out on February 3. Obviously, this is the malicious action of a high-tech criminal group to make a profit. Dear".
Also according to Theriault, many viruses have been around for the past year but are still raging on computer systems and occupying a high position in the rankings."This proves that businesses and users are still not fully protected. The speed of virus spread can be reduced by half if everyone installs an updated security program," Theriault said.
The rate of e-mail containing worms is currently 1.4% (1 in 70 messages is used to spread viruses).This month, Sophos also recorded 2,312 new variants, the most popular being Trojan - the ideal tool for hackers to attack computers to gain information.
The 10 most dangerous viruses in January 2006 (in brackets are the rate of notifications received by Sophos):
1. Sober.Z (44.9%)
2. Netsky.P (8.7%)
3. Zafi.B (4.3%)
4. Nyxem.D (3.6%)
5. Mytob.BE (3.1%)
6. Mytob.FO (2.7%)
7. Netsky.D (1.7%)
8. Mytob.EX (1.6%)
9. Mytob.C (1.5%)
10. Mytob.AS (1.3%)
Other types: 26.6%
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