Millions of people have been tricked: The elevator button closes just to make ... the scene

Most elevator button closures are designed only for the purpose of giving and giving lift riders a sense of control.

When going on an elevator, most people will immediately press the 'Close' button to close the door faster when they see no one else needs it and believe that doing so will save them a few seconds. However, the fact that this action did not work because most elevator button closures were designed only for the purpose of giving and giving lift riders a sense of control.

In the US, most of the closures in the elevator are not really working, why?

According to the 1990 Disability Act of the US, elevators had to have lift, braille, and audio signals. In particular, this law also requires the elevator door to be opened for at least three seconds and not to shorten this time with the 'Close' button to ensure that the disabled will have enough time to get inside the elevator. Because of following this law, some elevator manufacturers have disabled the effect of lift button.

Millions of people have been tricked: The elevator button closes just to make ... the scene Picture 1Millions of people have been tricked: The elevator button closes just to make ... the scene Picture 1

The Act appeared 29 years ago, while the lifespan of the elevator was about 25 years so it can be affirmed in the United States, most of the elevator buttons today do not work. In case of necessity, firefighters can use their own keys to quickly close the elevator.

However, in New York City, the elevator buttons still work normally but the time from the time of pressing the button to the closing scale is still quite long.

So why do manufacturers still install the 'Close' button on the elevator even though it's almost useless?

According to psychologists, pressing the elevator button will help users feel safer, relieved because they think things are under control.

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