Discover an outdoor lift hanging along a vertical sandstone cliff, holding 3 world records
Bach Long elevator system is built on vertical sandstone cliff located in Truong Gia Gioi National Park, famous landscape of Vu Lang Nguyen (Hunan province, China) which is recognized as outdoor elevator. highest in the world in 2015. Bach Long Elevator holds two other world records.
This monumental engineering work 'grows up' amidst the picturesque grandeur in what is now a World Heritage site. Photo: Activeholidayco, CCTV.
This elevator system has a lift shaft and a tunnel carved in a special sandstone column from thousands of stone pillars in the area. This system has a total height of up to 335m, of which the elevator shaft section is 326m high. Photo: Designboom, World_walkerz.
Bach Long Elevator started construction in 1999. In 2002, the Bach Long Elevator was completed and opened to the public.
This massive building consists of 3 2-storey elevators running in parallel. The maximum capacity of each elevator is 50 passengers (4,900 kg) and the speed is 3m / s. In 2013, the speed of elevators increased to 5m / s.
If 3 elevators run simultaneously, the system will transport 4,000 people every hour. Photo: OLOS, Itmeoc, Chrisphilpot_, Kateweatherspade.
In addition to the record for being the tallest outdoor elevator in the world, Bach Long also holds the record for the fastest passenger elevator with the largest carrying capacity and the highest 2-story sightseeing lift. Photo: Gozhangjiajie, Getty Images.
The three sides of the elevator are made of transparent glass to help visitors inside to admire the whole majestic view of the sandstone pillars rising from the forest floor of Truong Gia Gioi park. Photo: Jorge.von.k, Aglee138, Jm.sabariaga, Nanz_rainboow.
Because of safety concerns, Bach Long elevator system had to stop working for 10 months in the period of 2002-2003. After being improved, this giant elevator has continued to operate until now. Bach Long system is equipped with a special alarm to evacuate in the event of an earthquake, equipped with modern safety equipment . Photo: Nk7.
Bach Long Elevator significantly increases the number of visitors to the Truong Gia Gioi National Park. Photo: Anne__kay, Instaknips.
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