Medical breakthroughs: Successfully manufacturing drugs has the same effect as exercise

Recently, Australian scientists have successfully developed new drugs that can stimulate the body to burn fat and enhance cardiovascular health.

Recently, Australian scientists have successfully developed new drugs that can stimulate the body to burn fat and enhance cardiovascular health. This drug can create effects on muscles and metabolism like exercise but does not enhance weight loss or muscle formation.

According to Sean McGee, a member of the research team: "Cardiovascular disease is the most dangerous killer for people with diabetes and obesity, and there is almost no cure. We have found a drug. can cause your body to react like you've just exercised, with enough cardiovascular benefits and fat burning, which has the potential for future therapies. "

Medical breakthroughs: Successfully manufacturing drugs has the same effect as exercise Picture 1Medical breakthroughs: Successfully manufacturing drugs has the same effect as exercise Picture 1

When conducting experiments on mice, scientists discovered a protein that controls the fat metabolism system. Since then, they have changed the genetic structure of this protein to get the ability to switch on and off the fat metabolism automatically. The results showed that even without a little exercise - the muscles of the experimental rats showed exactly the same as they were exercised and their chemical metabolism increased.

This finding helps scientists come up with the idea of ​​making a drug that helps the body respond to it, like exercise, that benefits future treatments for cardiovascular diseases.

According to McGee, " We have found a drug with a mechanism that works similarly to genetic modification on proteins and when injecting mice, they not only have the same reactions as exercise but they also last longer. more, burning more fat, lowering blood fat and reducing blood sugar. "

Medical breakthroughs: Successfully manufacturing drugs has the same effect as exercise Picture 2Medical breakthroughs: Successfully manufacturing drugs has the same effect as exercise Picture 2

According to scientists, this drug helps improve cardiovascular health in mice, but it has no effect on weight. Mice that have been injected with drugs for a long time have a healthier system of metabolism than those that are not given medicine.

The drug is currently being tested only in mice, but scientists hope it could bring great benefits similar to exercise in the future, including a healthier cardiovascular system and a higher rate of chemical conversion. than. But this is not a weight loss drug or an appetite.

This medicine will be helpful for people who are unable to exercise due to physiological problems or can recover from cardiovascular problems.

The group hopes to be able to perform human trials in the near future to determine if this drug works for people like mice?

Research has been published in Cell Reports.

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