Top 10 'disorder' diseases are stigmatized in the world today
The disease is when the state of the body is disturbed by activities, physiological functions, affecting more or less the life, daily activities and daily work of each person. A person who is sick means they are not healthy, uncomfortable physically, mentally and socially.
Top 10 'disorder' diseases are stigmatized in the world today Picture 1 Photo source: © Ron Sumners |
Maybe the " disorder " disease they have is not so serious, but it is the stigma from society that makes their condition worse. They feel embarrassed , want to hide the symptoms of illness caused. Currently, the world medicine is very developed so the " disordered " diseases can be prevented, treated or prolonged.
Here are the top 10 " disorders " that are often stigmatized in the world today.
1. Colorectal cancer
Top 10 'disorder' diseases are stigmatized in the world today Picture 2 Photo source: Public domain
According to the National Institutes of Health , colorectal cancer ( Colon Cancer ) can be cured at an early stage. Unfortunately, colorectal cancer usually does not show obvious symptoms, even if symptoms appear, the patient may feel " shy " when telling the doctor about symptoms such as diarrhea. or " unusual " wastes in the intestinal tract. The best way to be able to easily diagnose colorectal cancer early is to have regular checkups , including colonoscopy ( colon ).
In March 2000, journalist Katie Couric solved the stigma of colorectal cancer by colonoscopy. Along the way, Katie Couric proves that when it comes to clarifying potential diseases within the body, it can help people find treatment care. According to a 2003 study in the Archives of Internal Medicine , after Couric's special channel was broadcast, the rate of endoscopic cases increased. Before the campaign, a doctor often hoped to have 15 colonoscopy cases a month. After 9 months of Couric's broadcast, the number has increased to 18 cases per month.
2. Erectile dysfunction
Top 10 'disorder' diseases are stigmatized in the world today Picture 3 Photo source: Dreamstime
In recent years, the stigma surrounding erectile dysfunction has decreased significantly thanks to commercial advertising hours describing the happiness of healthy couples dancing to their " soundtrack ". Introduce the program and talk about side effects of drugs. But it is still very difficult when a man admits to having sexual dysfunction .
According to a 2010 review of sexual dysfunction treatments published in Primary Care magazine, only half of the men with erectile dysfunction are at work in the clinic. treated.
However, men should not feel lonely because of problems with erectile dysfunction. According to reports, about 10 to 20 million American men suffer from symptoms of erectile dysfunction and at the age of 70, about two-thirds of men experience problems and suffer from it.
3. "Masculine" issues
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If erectile dysfunction is stigmatized as " lack of men" , some disorders in women may be accompanied by " breaking " symptoms of cultural definition of women. Syndrome of polycystic ovary ( Polycystic Ovary Syndrome - PCOS ), the most common endocrine disorder is in women of reproductive age, can cause infertility , diabetes and other medical problems - often recognized as a dense "mustache" . The " mustache " symptoms can be removed by shaving, waxing or otherwise hirsutism .
" Masculine " disorders such as excessive sweating ( hyperhidrosis ) or large thyroid gland can be stigmatized in both sexes. But that's just the external disorder symptoms for women.
" You know, women will definitely never want people to be sweaty all the time because they have more male characteristics than women. Therefore, this often makes them quite embarrassed. " - Sophia Wastler - a 36-year-old woman living in Virginia with sweating (hyperhidrosis ) shared with Live Science .
4. Psoriasis
Top 10 'disorder' diseases are stigmatized in the world today Picture 5 Photo source: CDC / Susan Lindsley
Psoriasis is an immune system disorder that causes red and scaly patches of skin on the skin. These outbreaks are hard to hide, making people feel embarrassed. Embarrassment and embarrassment are multiplied when people see people with psoriasis and alienation, because they mistakenly believe that psoriasis is a contagious disease.
According to a 2008 survey conducted by the National Psoriasis Foundation , 63% said they felt inferior to their skin and 58% felt ashamed, of which 1/3 said they limit social interaction and dating because of the spread of psoriasis symptoms.
5. Irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease
Top 10 'disorder' diseases are stigmatized in the world today Picture 6 Photo source: Chris Greene / stock.xchng
Any disease associated with the excretory system is often accompanied by stigma.Irritable bowel syndrome ( Irritable Bowel Syndrome - IBS) and inflammatory bowel disease ( Inflammatory Bowel Disease - IBD ) are no exception. IBD actually consists of a group of syndromes, all recognized by intestinal inflammation. IBS is an unclear symptom, but the disorder is evident by intestinal pain, cramps and constipation or diarrhea without being inflamed by IBD.
According to a study published online in March 2011 in the journal Quality of Life Research , in general, patients with IBS often feel more stigmatized than patients with IBD. Of the more than 200 IBS patients surveyed, 27% said they had moderate or excessive stigma, compared with 8% of the 200 people with IBD surveyed. The difference may be due to a clear natural cause, people with IBS irritable bowel syndrome feel their disease is not treated seriously.
6. Obesity
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Fatty stigma spread throughout the world. According to a 2011 study in Current Anthropology , almost no culture has obesity because it comes with laziness and appetite. Despite the fact that there are many similar cultures, as soon as the body " weight " is seen as a symbol of wealth.
People with obesity often feel ashamed of being overweight , often worried about health. If in this case, can shame counterproduct? A 2011 study in the journal Social Psychology Quarterly found shame and stigma accelerated the reduction in body weight in obese people.
7. Leprosy
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Leprosy , also known as Hansen 's disease, has a big influence on people's thinking. The disease is known to be very contagious, causing body parts to leave.
Both of these thoughts are wrong because more than 90% of those who come in direct contact with leprosy bacteria are immune and do not appear to have the same symptoms ( although humans can be infected with bacteria when close contact with armadillos animals ).
Leprosy can also be treated with antibiotics. While skin lesions cause an infection if left untreated, the toes and fingers may leave. This myth has the potential to start by hurting the nerves, leading to paralysis of the fingers, causing people with leprosy to be at risk of accidental injury or surgical removal.
8. Lung cancer
Top 10 'disorder' diseases are stigmatized in the world today Picture 9 Photo source: National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI)
Like obesity, lung cancer is a disease often blamed on the victims themselves. The link between smoking and lung cancer leads people to assume that people with lung cancer often carry the disease on their own. But in fact, every year thousands of non-smokers still have lung cancer.
Besides, as Jamie Ostroff of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center ( Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center ) pointed out at the 2009 World Conference on Lung Cancer in San Francisco, the number of smokers must be treated for cancer. The lungs are less than those who have never smoked. According to, lung cancer is the leading cause of deaths in men and women, killing more than 158,000 people in the United States each year.
9. Genital HPV infection
Top 10 'disorder' diseases are stigmatized in the world today Picture 10 Photo source: Dream Designs, Shutterstock
Genital HPV infection is a common sexually transmitted disease in the world today. Not only is the virus causing human papilloma, leading to dangerous cancers, but HPV is also the cause of hand, foot and chicken warts in the anal-genital area.
HPV became a hot issue in the GOP primary elections in September 2011, when Republican candidates criticized Texas Governor and successful prospect Rick Perry for issuing orders. Executive law in Texas will be required for HPV vaccination for female students enrolled in the state.
Many other vaccines are required in Texas but HPV vaccines are still controversial because the HPV virus is sexually transmitted. Health experts say the most effective vaccine is used before sexual intercourse, because they are resistant to the virus. But Perry's efforts to create a preventive vaccine are rejected by social conservatives, who claim that vaccination can encourage teenagers to have sex soon.
10. HIV / AIDS
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Perhaps one of the most discriminated diseases is HIV / AIDS . HIV / AIDS first appeared as a mysterious syndrome in most gay men in the early 1980s. Social activists " gay protest " blamed the " immoral " behavior . causing the disease to spread, setting a persistent " blame victim " attitude.
According to a 1999 study published in the American Behavioral Scientist magazine, 52% of Americans were infected with HIV because of homosexuality, despite the fact that at that time, only about a third of new cases were patients. gay men. In 1997, similar studies also found that 55% of Americans - most people with AIDS - were responsible for their illnesses and 28% were at the end of the stage saying most of them deserved so.
At the end of 2006, a report from the Kaiser Family Foundation pointed out the great confusion about Americans infected with HIV. According to the report, 37% of Americans mistakenly believe that HIV can be spread by kissing, while 32% think that HIV can spread when drinking with a cup.
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