Meaning of energy ranking labels saves electricity on appliances
In the market today, most household appliances are labeled with energy and regulated by the Ministry of Industry and Trade. Energy labels help buyers know the information, indicators and power saving capabilities of devices so that they can choose quality products, high energy efficiency, low power consumption.
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Energy labels are divided into two categories: certified energy labels and comparable energy labels.
Energy label confirmed
This is a label affixed to the equipment and vehicles circulating on the market with an energy efficiency level that exceeds or exceeds the high energy efficiency (HEPS) set by the Ministry of Industry and Trade from time to time.

Comparative energy label
This is the label affixed to the vehicles and equipment circulating on the market with different energy efficiency levels to help consumers choose the means and equipment with energy consumption.
Energy comparison stickers have five energy performance levels (from one star to five stars). Five-star labels are the best performing labels.

Energy comparison labels include the following information:
- Manufacturer: Name of the organization / enterprise producing the product.
- Product name / code: Name or product code of the business.
- Certification code: Code issued by the Ministry of Industry and Trade (specified in the certificate of energy saving products) to serve the management.
- Energy efficiency level: Rankings from 1 to 5 stars, evaluated by the Ministry of Industry and Trade through measurement and test results on the power consumption of the product.
- Capacity: Energy consumption index is calculated in kWh / year.
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