Lied to the US Government, Samsung was fined $ 2.3 million

Under an agreement with the US Government, Samsung will have to pay them $ 2.3 million in fines for lying about the origin of its products.

Under an agreement with the US Government, Samsung will have to pay them $ 2.3 million in fines for lying about the origin of its products.

Lied to the US Government, Samsung was fined $ 2.3 million Picture 1Lied to the US Government, Samsung was fined $ 2.3 million Picture 1

Notice from the US Department of Justice , the Government requires federal agencies to buy products originating from the United States or countries with trade agreements with this country. When the federal agency bought Samsung products, the technology giant of kimchi said that the products they supplied were made in Korea and Mexico.

However, a person named Robert Simmons has accused the US Department of Justice of the origin of the products that Samsung has provided manufactured in China, the country has no full trade agreement with the United States.

Samsung has not yet made its comment, and said that dealing with the US Justice Department does not mean that the company acknowledges its responsibility for claims from Robert Simmons .

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