Learn about rumors when using computers

'Should you partition large hard drives or defragment frequently to get the best performance'? Or 'Google finds everything and once it has your information, there is no way to remove it'? Not really. You can hear it

" Should you partition large hard drives or defragment frequently to get the best performance "? Or " Google finds everything and once it has your information, there is no way to remove it "? Not really. You hear rumors or instructions to use computers better, but sometimes it's not really true. The following information will show you some basic knowledge about 12 popular rumors about computers. Hope you will have a little more experience after reading this article.

ARTICLE 1: Should partition large hard drive or defragment regularly to get the best performance

This is an opinion that could lead to real conflicts between computer experts. According to Infoworld.com's storage technology expert, large hard drive consolidation improves performance on Windows-based computers, but the level of improvement depends on the number of files you change or delete each day.

According to the expert, the Windows operating system has a not so clever habit of trying to make use of each empty storage unit, even if it is in the middle of a large data area while there are still many empty areas. At the end of the drive, so new creation files are more prone to scattered distribution so many search operations are needed to join each part of the file together.

However, according to PC World's test, using defragmentation utilities does not bring significant performance improvements. Executive Software, the developer of disk defragmenting Diskeeper, said the solution could improve performance if at least 20% of the hard disk space was available. In summary: the results can vary.

Partitioning your hard disk into 2 or 3 logical drives is not sure to speed up your system, but it offers many other benefits. For example, it allows you to create dual-boot systems or save files with little changes (such as system files and programs) with frequently changed files (such as documents and buffer data when browsing the web), thus reducing fragmentation and making it easier to back up the system or allow the OS to be replaced without touching data.

ARTICLE 2: MPAA and RIAA can monitor peer networks

This sounds very reasonable. ' If downloading movies, TV shows, music or video games using peer networks, the files you download can be traced through your IP address ,' said Motion Pictures Association of America spokesperson ( MPAA).

But BayTSP, the company that tracks peer-to-peer file sharing networks like BitTorrent and eDonkey, is a bit vague in its claims. When monitoring these networks for different customers, BayTSP can record file exchange IP address, download date and time, file name and Internet service provider (ISP) information. of that individual, but only with the case of large file downloads.

According to a BayTSP spokesperson, if the file is large enough - like a movie or application software (not just a piece of music) - it is more likely that BayTSP will identify individuals before they fully download. file. However, this company 'never claimed to supervise people'.

Contacting an IP address with a real name or physical address is also unsure. Normally, the recording and film industry must resort to ISPs to identify users based on IP addresses - but not all are satisfied.

Copyright holders also face other challenges. The Electronic Frontier Foundation technical expert said that using anonymous IP networks, anonymous proxies (websites or servers that allow people to hide IP addresses while browsing), or Wi-Fi connections can make tracking someone is more difficult. However, ISPs can still monitor users with a certain IP address at a particular time, and if required they can record copyright infringement information and the download may be caught. .

ARTICLE 3: The printer will not be warranted if using ink of another firm

This is very much rumored, with any ink. According to major manufacturers that produce printers (and ink cartridges) like Canon, Epson and Lexmark, the use of other ink cartridges or refill ink does not automatically cancel the hardware warranty. Unless the ink itself causes problems for the printer.

ARTICLE 4: Using a high-speed memory card Digital cameras will take pictures faster

Using a high-speed memory card allows your camera to store files faster, but you may not be able to take photos faster. When you take a photo, the camera must receive and process the image, then save it to the memory card; Faster memory cards only improve the end of the process - the part that saves files to the card.

If you are using a fast camera with a slow memory card, you may notice the lag in the memory card section. But using a fast memory card with a slow camera is like putting a racing wheel in a regular car. ' The difference may be significant for SLR cameras but will not be significant in many point-and-shoot cameras, ' said SanDisk memory card manufacturer representative.

ARTICLE 5: Don't watch a channel for too long because it will 'burn' the plasma TV screen

The burning of plasma screens is not a setting, but generally there is no need to worry. According to CrutchfieldAdvisor.com, which specializes in audio and video reviews, plasma screens and CRTs can be burnt when 'static images such as video games, stock quotes or station symbols stand still on the screen for a while. long. Over time, these images can be engraved on the phosphorus screen, leaving a permanent blur on the screen '. Crutchfield's expert said that this rarely happens because the image on the TV is changed or 'refreshed' in the programs and when you change the channel.

However, this may be a problem for gamers to play with a character for hours, according to a Best Buy expert.

New plasma screen models have made significant improvements and are less likely to burn.

ARTICLE 6: Google finds everything and once it has your information there is no way to remove it

It seems that Google's invisible arm touches every corner, but not really. Google will find information on the web only if there is a site 'just' (link) to the page containing it, according to the editor of Search Engine Land website.

If you do not want the information to be found, do not put it on the web, or protect it with a password (Google does not search for a password).

You can prevent Google's search engine from indexing your website or forcing it to remove pages it has found by following the instructions at Google Webmaster Central. However, if your website has been 'scanned' then the information pages will not delete from Google's cached database immediately.

The more difficult issue is how to remove personal information from Google if it is stored on a site that is not under your control. You can try to ask the site owner to remove the page or stop Google from 'scanning' it. If the owner refuses, and the site contains sensitive information such as your ID number or copyrighted material belonging to you, you can ask Google to remove it from the index. Otherwise, you can ask for services like Reputation-Defender.com to delete the information page with a fee of 30USD, but the results are not guaranteed.

ARTICLE 7: Enter the URL, you will be safe with phishing

The surest way for your personal information to be illegally used is to click on a link in a phishing email and innocently provide the required information. But typing the address www.ten_ngan_hang.com into the browser does not guarantee the fraud.

You also face at least 2 dangers lurking. The first is a 'pharming' or 'domain manipulation' attack, legitimate URL interference on the transmission path and redirection to a fake site. There have been several pharming attacks targeting domain servers (there was a February meeting aimed at sites of at least 50 financial institutions). The only defense against pharming is to directly access the URL of the secure login page (starting with https :, which is used by bank sites).

Second, some malware can achieve pharming-like effects by rewriting the Hosts file or hijacking the browser on your computer. However, if your system is patched in time, your firewall is up and antispyware and virus protection programs are up-to-date, and you reduce the risk. Programs like Spybot Search & Destroy are free and WinPatrol can also help protect your Hosts file.

ARTICLE 8: 3G broadband access 'unlimited'

When ISP advertises unlimited high-speed data service packages, it is rarely 'comfortable'.

For example, Verizon Wireless 'recent' unlimited broadband service package. Although EVDO subscribers can browse the web, send and receive email, Verizon does not allow downloading files, using webcams or using VoIP services. The company quietly imposes a 5GB threshold for each account, if it detects that a subscriber sends or receives more than the maximum monthly limit, it will "close" the account. After months of refusal, the company quietly added information about the threshold to the service agreement and stopped advertising broadband service packages as 'unlimited'.

Sprint's EVDO unlimited packages don't set any specific restrictions on data traffic or usage patterns. But Sprint 'has the right to limit or suspend any continuous and excessive use of data that adversely affects network performance or hinders network access.' No one has complained about the "cut" network by Sprint.

ARTICLE 9: You are protected when shopping on eBay

The world's largest auction site and its PayPal department provide users with a variety of tools to fight against frauds and fight their own gossip. But this protection is not 100% guaranteed.

When using PayPal to buy an item on eBay.com, auto buyers have $ 200 guaranteed for the transaction, according to an eBay spokesperson. If the seller has PayPal certification, the buyer is guaranteed up to 2000USD.

But if you pay in another form, all guarantees are no longer available. The protections of this site also do not apply to non-physical goods, such as files or software. And if you misunderstand the description of the item, then you have to risk it.

For example, Greg thinks he buys a bargain for the Xbox for $ 300. If the Xbox receiver is cracked, Greg will be rewarded. But what he bought was a Word file that listed the points of sale for the discounted Xbox. Since the item is immaterial and is accurately described (although the Xbox photo display auction is misleading), PayPal's protection does not apply.

ARTICLE 10: Mac is immune to malware

Recently, people who believe in the safety of the Mac have found their beliefs to be severely shaken, when security expert Dino Dai Zovi takes home a $ 10,000 prize for hijacking a machine. The MacBook Pro calculator runs Mac OS 10.4. Dai Zovi takes less than 10 hours to detect vulnerabilities in Apple QuickTime software and set up a website to exploit it. (Windows versions of QuickTime also have vulnerabilities.) In a later interview with Computerworld, Dai Zovi announced that the Mac OS was less secure than Windows Vista (probably Bill Gates was satisfied and Steve Jobs was purple).

This does not mean that there is only one loophole for Macintosh computers. In January, security expert Kevin Finisterre and an alias hacker, LMH, completed the Month of Apple Bugs project, offering a security vulnerability affecting many aspects of the Mac. In February, the first Mac OS 10 worm was identified. Although experts believe it is relatively harmless, the OSX / Leap-A worm has spread through Apple's iChat application by sending itself forward according to the user's friend list.

But in general, Mac users are less likely to encounter viruses or vulnerabilities than Windows users, just because Windows malware has a much larger number.

ARTICLE 11: You will know when someone takes control of your computer and turns it into a zombie

Not really, according to expert MyNetWatch-man.com, a company that tracks bot networks. For example, if a hacker turns your computer into a spam dispersal, the system tray may warn your computer is sending hundreds of emails - but only if the computer has security software installed that checks incoming email. . Malware often disables anti-virus software, firewall or Windows Update services so that it can operate freely on your computer.

In fact, many users do not know anything until the ISP notices detecting a bot (bot) from their IP address, or their email address starts to be rejected due to being listed as spam.

So how to detect when the computer is annexed? If the computer suddenly becomes slow or takes a long time to boot or shutdown, it may have been infected (but it is possible that these phenomena are caused by many other causes not related to malware). In most cases, the reason is that users have allowed bad software (such as files downloaded from peer-to-peer networks) to execute on their systems. ' Users must either be smart or stay away from the net '.

ARTICLE 12: Inkjet printers use color ink cartridges that are more expensive to use than printers that use separate ink tanks

This is one of the few rumors that seems logical. ' With integrated color ink cartridges, yellow ink can run out and you will need to replace the remaining ink cartridges if you want to print with yellow, ' according to an Epson representative. The use of loose ink cartridges is maximized and reduces the cost for users. This was also agreed upon by the Hard Copy Supplies Journal.

Nguyen Le

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