Learn the first Python program
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In this article we will learn a simple Python program to get a little more insight into Python, before starting to learn about the main components of this programming language.
Usually, when starting to learn any programming language from Pascal, C to HTML, the first program that almost all teachers guide us to write is "Hello, World!" or "Hello!" This simple program will print the screen with a greeting.
As mentioned in previous articles, Python is an easy-to-learn programming language, and the creation of "Hello, World!" The simpler it is, you just need to write the code print("Hello, World!")
Therefore, we will go to learn another program, also simple, for you to understand a little more about this programming language. Temporarily name it Add two numbers:
# Them hai so va in tong
num1 = 6
num2 = 9
sum = num1+num2
Learn the first Python program Picture 1
What will the above code do?
Line 1: # Them hai so va in tong
Any line of code in Python starting with # will be a comment, a comment. It is used to describe what the code below is for. This will help other programmers, code readers, understand code better. Lines that begin with # will be ignored by code compilers and code interpreters.
Line 2: num1 = 6
here is the variable, you can store the value in the variable and in this case num1
stores the value 6.
Line 3: num2 = 9
Same as above, 9 is stored in num2
Line 4: sum = num1+num2
The sum of variables num1
and num2
is stored in another variable sum
Line 5: print(sum)
The print()
function print()
the output on the screen. In this case it will print the result 15 on the screen, after you press F5.
Learn the first Python program Picture 2
A few notes:
To represent a statement in Python, we use the new line (Enter). The use of the sign; at the end of the statement is optional (not required as in C / C ++, JavaScripts or PHP). In fact, you should ignore the signs; This is at the end of the Python statement.
Instead of brackets {}, indents are used to represent a block of statements. For example:
Let's wait and see in the next lesson, we will know more about Python.
Next lesson: Introducing about strings, numbers, and lists in Python
Previous article: How to install Python on Windows, macOS, Linux
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