Learn about how jQuery works
TipsMake.com - In the article below, we will guide and introduce you to some basic concepts about jQuery - designed to change the way you write JavaScript code - Write short, do it a lot of! That is the slogan of jQuery.
In essence, jQuery is a JavaScript library, also known as JavaScript Framework , that supports you in handling HTML , handling events in HTML pages, creating beautiful effects, faster and shorter Ajax processing. for user website application.
1. Basic:
The following test is built to help you begin using jQuery . If you don't have a dedicated test page, start by creating a new HTML page with the source code as shown below:
Change the src attribute in the script tag to point to your jquery.js file. For example, if the file jquery.js is in the same directory as the HTML file, we can use:
The latest jQuery version is downloaded here.
2. Match code on the available page:
One of the first things most Javascript programmers want to do is to pair code to their main application or program. For example:
window.onload = function () {alert ("welcome"); } }
Inside that code is what we want the browser to work when the website is loaded. But the problem here is that the Javascript code will not run until all the image files have been downloaded to the device (including banner ads). The reason for using window.onload is because the HTML documents have not been fully loaded the first time.
To solve this problem, jQuery already has a clause that can check document variables and wait until it is fixed, which is the event ready:
$ (document) .ready (function () {
// Your code here
Within that event ready, we insert the handler event to click on the path:
$ (document) .ready (function () {
$ ("a"). click (function (event) {
alert ("Thanks for visiting!");
Save the HTML file and reload this test page, clicking on the link on that page will display a warning window as a pop up before moving to the main jQuery page. For clicks as well as many other events, we can block the default actions here, as in the example above, then click on the link jquery.com by calling event.preventDefault () in the handler event:
$ (document) .ready (function () {
$ ("a"). click (function (event) {
alert ("As you can see, the link no longer takes you to jquery.com");
event.preventDefault ();
3. Complete example:
Here is a complete example of the HTML file based on the above code. Note that the link here will connect to Google's CDN to download the original jQuery file. Besides, our custom script is included in the tag, it is more appropriate to place it in a separate file, then pass the parameter to that file via the element's corresponding src attribute:
jQuery demo
4. Delete or add HTML class:
Note that some of the example jQuery code below needs to be placed inside the event ready to be executed when the website is ready to work. One of the common tasks is to add or remove classes.
First, try assigning some style information to the page's tag, such as:
Next, add addClass to the code:
$ ("a"). addClass ("test");
All components will be bolded. If you want to remove the class, use removeClass:
$ ("a"). removeClass ("test");
HTML allows assigning multiple classes to an element.
5. Some special effects:
In jQuery there are already quite a few special effects to make your site special. To insert our test page, change the click event that was previously assigned:
event.preventDefault ();
$ (this) .hide ("slow");
Now, when clicking on any link, the site will slowly disappear.
6. Callback and Functions:
In fact, the callback is a function that converts arguments to another function and is executed after the function parent completes. A special feature of the callback is that the function will be displayed immediately after the function at the parent level can be executed before the callback action occurs. Another important point to know is how the callback is 'called' at the right time.
The non- argument callback has the following general syntax:
$ .get ('myhtmlpage.html', myCallBack);
Note that the second parameter here is simply the name of the function.Javascript functions are First class citizens and can be used as custom variables, executed at later times.
Callback with argument: the question here is what do you have to do if there are arguments that need to be ignored? If using the usual syntax as below:
$ .get ('myhtmlpage.html', myCallBack (param1, param2));
will not work, because the system will call:
myCallBack (param1, param2)
and then ignore the value returned as the second parameter to $ .get ()
However, the problem with the above example is that myCallBack (param1, param2) is evaluated before being moved as a function. Javascript and jQuery extension often have to use pointer functions in cases like this, such as setTimeout function .
For example, below, an anonymous function is initialized (simply a statement block) and registered as a callback function , noting the use of 'function () {' . The anonymous function performs exactly one function, which is calling myCallBack with the value of param1 param2.
myCallBack (param1, param2);
In which param1 and param2 are used as a callback when the '$ .get' function completes the web page loading process.