This paragraph is 2nd and THIS IS ALSO RED
The table below lists useful methods that you can use to filter out various elements from a list of DOM elements:
Method Description eq (index)
Shorten the set of matching elements into a single element.
filter (selector)
Remove all elements from the matching set of elements that do not match the given selector.
filter (fn)
Remove all elements from the matched set of elements that do not match the given specific function.
is (selector)
Check the current selection with an Expression and return true, if at least one element of that selection matches the given selector.
map (callback)
Translates a set of jQuery object elements into another set of values in a jQuery array (if possible or contains no elements).
not (selector)
Remove all elements that match the selector given from the set of matching elements.
slice (start, [end])
Select a subset of matching elements.
The table below lists all the useful methods you can use to locate diverse elements in a DOM:
Format & Description1 add (selector)
Add multiple elements, matched by the given selector, to the set of matching elements.
2 andSelf ()
Add pre-selection to current selection
3 children ([selector])
Get a set of elements that contain all of the only direct child elements of each of the matched elements.
4 closest (selector)
Get a set of elements that contain the closest parent element that matches the given selector, including the starting element
5 contents ()
Find all child nodes within matching elements (including text nodes), or document content, if the element is an Iframe.
6 end ()
Transform the most recent destructive operation, changing the set of elements to the previous state.
7 find (selector)
Search for child elements that match the given selector.
8 next ([selector])
Get a unique set of next brother (em) elements of each element in the given element set.
9 nextAll ([selector])
Find all siblings after the current element
10 offsetParent ()
Returns a jQuery set with the specified parent element of the first matched element
11 paren ([selector])
Get direct father of an element. If called on a set of elements, the parent method returns a unique set of direct parent elements
12 parents ([selector])
Get a set of ancestor elements of the set of matching elements (except for root elements)
13 prev ([selector])
Get a set of elements containing the only preceding element brother of each element in the set of matching elements.
14 prevAll ([selector])
Find all brother elements before the current element
15 siblings ([selector])
Get a set of elements that contain all of the only brother elements of each element in the given set of elements
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