Event handling in jQuery
We have the ability to create dynamic websites by using Events. Events are actions that can be detected by your web application.
Here are some examples of events:
Download the website
Move the mouse over an element
Submit an HTML Form
Press key on the keyboard
When these events are enabled, you can use custom functions to respond to whatever you want with the event. These custom functions are called Event Handler.
Bind the Event Handler in jQuery
Using the Event Model in jQuery, we can set Event Handlers on DOM elements with the bind () method as follows:
The jQuery Example
Click on any square below to see the result:class = "div" style = " background - color : blue ; " > ONE
The above code will cause the div element to respond to the click event; When the user clicks inside this div element, shortly after, the message will be displayed.
The full syntax of the bind () command in jQuery is as follows:
selector .bind( eventType[, eventData], handler)
Next, we describe the parameters in detail:
eventType - A string containing a JavaScript event type, such as clicking or submitting. You follow below to see the full list of event types.
eventData - optional parameter is a map of the data that will be transmitted to Event Handler.
handler - A function to execute every time an event is triggered.
Remove the Event Handler in jQuery
One feature is that, whenever an Event Handler is established, it is still effective in the rest of the site. There is a need when you want to remove this Event Handler.
jQuery provides the unbind () command to remove an existing Event Handler. The unbind () syntax in jQuery is as follows:
selector .unbind(eventType, handler) or selector .unbind(eventType)
Details of parameters:
- eventType - A string containing a JavaScript Event type, such as clicking or submitting. You follow below to see the full list of event types.
- handler - If provided, it identifies the specific Event Handler to remove.
Types of events in jQuery
You can connect (bind) the following events using jQuery:
No. Event Type & Description 1 blur
Appears when the element loses focus
2 change
Appears when the element changes
3 click
Appears when clicking
4 dblclick
Activate when double click
5 errors
Appears when there is an error during download
6 focus
Appears when the element receives focus
7 keydown
Appears when the key is pressed
8 keypress
Activate when key is pressed and release
9 keyup
Activate when the key is released
10 load
Appears when the document is loaded
11 mousedown
Appears when the mouse button is pressed
12 mouseenter
Appears when the mouse moves into an element area
13 mouseleave
Appears when the mouse moves out of an element area
14 mousemove
Activate when the mouse pointer moves
15 mouseout
Triggers when the mouse pointer moves away from an element
16 mouseover
Activate when the mouse pointer moves over an element
17 mouseup
Appears when a mouse button is released
18 resize
Activate when window size changes
19 scroll
Activate when the window is rolled
20 select
Activate when a text is selected
21 submit
Activate when a form is submitted
22 unload
Activate when document is not loaded
Event object in jQuery
The callback function takes a single parameter; When a Handler is called, the JavaScript Event object is passed through it.
Event objects are often unnecessary and parameters are ignored, when the context is usually available when Handler is connected to know exactly what should be done when Handler is activated; However, there are certain properties that you need to access.
Properties of the Event object in jQuery
The properties of the Event are available and safe to access in an independent manner:
STATUS & Description1 altKey
Set to true if Alt key is pressed when the event is activated, otherwise false. The Alt key is labeled Option on most Mac keyboards
2 ctrlKey
Set to true if Ctrl key is pressed when the event is activated, otherwise false
3 data
The value, if any, is passed as the second parameter to the bind () command when Handler is established.
4 keyCode
Give the event the keys move up and down, this returns the key that was pressed
5 metaKey
Set to true if the Meta key is pressed when the event is activated, otherwise false. The Meta key is the Ctrl key on the PC and Command key on the Macs
6 pageX
For mouse-related events, determine the horizontal coordinates of the event in each relationship with the original page.
7 pageY
For mouse-related events, determine the vertical coordinates of the event in each relationship with the original page
8 relatedTarget
For some mouse-related events, identify the element that the mouse pointer left or entered when the event was triggered.
9 screenX
For some mouse-related events, determine the horizontal coordinates of the event in relation to the original screen
10 screenY
For some mouse-related events, determine the vertical coordinates of the event in relation to the original screen
11 shiftKey
Set to true if the Shift key is pressed when the event is activated, otherwise false
12 target
Identify the element with which the event is triggered
13 timeStamp
timestamp (millisecond value) when the event is created
14 type
For all events, specify the type of event that is triggered
15 which
For keyboard-related events, identify numeric value codes for keys that cause events, and for mouse-related events, determine which buttons are pressed (1 for the left, 2 for the middle). and 3 for the right button)
For example:
The jQuery Example
Click on any square below to see the result:class = "div" style = " background - color : blue ; " > ONEclass = "div" style = " background - color : green ; " > TWOclass = "div" style = " background - color : red ; " > THREE
Methods of the Event object in jQuery
The following lists the methods that can be called on an Event object in jQuery:
Formula & Description1 preventDefault ()
Prevent the browser from executing the default action
2 isDefaultPrevented ()
Returns whether or not the event.preventDefault () method was called on this Event object
3 stopPropagation ()
Stop the bubble an event to the parent elements, preventing any parent element from being notified of the event
4 isPropagationStopped ()
Returns yes or no event.stopPropagation () used to call on this Event event
5 stopImmediatePropagation ()
Stop the rest of the Handler from being executed
6 isImmediatePropagationStopped ()
Returns yes or no event.stopImmediatePropagation () has been called on this Event object
Methods to manipulate Event objects in jQuery
The table below lists important methods related to Events in jQuery:
Method & Description1 bind (type, [data], fn)
Bind a Handler to one or more events for each matched element. Can also bind Custom events
2 off (events [, selector] [, handler (eventObject)])
It removes a bind event
3 hover (over, out)
Mimic the hover for example movement of the mouse and leave an object
4 on (events [, selector] [, data], handler)
Bind a Handler to an event for all current, future, and connected elements. Can also bind custom events.
5 one (type, [data], fn)
Bind a Handler to one or more events to be executed once for each matched element
6 ready (fn)
Bind a function to be executed whenever the DOM is ready to be manipulated
7 triggers (event, [data])
Activate an event on each matched element
8 triggerHandler (event, [data])
Enabling all Event Handler is bound on an element
9 unbind ([type], [fn])
By doing the opposite of bind, it removes objects that are bound from each matched element
The Event Helper methods in jQuery
jQuery also provides a set of Event Helper functions that can be used to either trigger an event or to bind any type of event mentioned above.
Trigger methods in jQuery
Below is an example that will trigger the blur event on all paragraphs:
$ ("p"). blur ();
Binding method in jQuery
The following example will bind a click event on all elements
$ ("div"). click (function () {
// do something here
The table below lists all the methods supported by jQuery:
Formula & Description1 blur ()
Activate the blur event of each matched element
2 blur (fn)
Bind a function to the blur event of each matched element
3 change ()
Enable the change event of each matched element
4 change (fn)
Bind a function to the change event of each matched element
5 clicks ()
Activate the click event of each matched element
6 click (fn)
Bind a function to the click event of each matched element
7 dblclick ()
Enable the dblclick event of each matched element
8 dblclick (fn)
Bind a function to the dblclick event of each matched element
9 error ()
Activate the error event of each matched element
10 error (fn)
Bind a function to the error event of each matched element
11 focus ()
Activate the focus event of each matched element
12 focus (fn)
Bind a function to the focus event of each matched element
13 keydown ()
Enable the keydown event of each matched element
14 keydown (fn)
Bind a function to the keydown event of each matched element
15 keypress ()
Enable the keypress event of each matched element
16 keypress (fn)
Bind a function to the keypress event of each matched element
17 keyup ()
Enable the keyup event of each matched element
18 keyup (fn)
Bind a function to the keyup event of each matched element
20 load (fn)
Bind a function to the load event of each matched element
21 mousedown (fn)
Bind a function to the mousedown event of each matched element
22 mouseenter (fn)
Bind a function to the mouseenter event of each matched element
23 mouseleave (fn)
Bind a function to the mouseleave event of each matched element
24 mousemove (fn)
Bind a function to the mouseover event of each matched element
25 mouseout (fn)
Bind a function to the mouseout event of each matched element
26 mouseover (fn)
Bind a function to the mouseover event of each matched element
27 mouseup (fn)
Bind a function to the mouseup event of each matched element
28 resize (fn)
Bind a function to the resize event of each matched element
29 scroll (fn)
Bind a function to the scroll event of each matched element
30 select ()
Activate the select event of each matched element
31 select (fn)
Bind a function to the select event of each matched element
32 submit ()
Activate the submit event of each matched element
33 submit (fn)
Bind a function to the submit event of each matched element
34 unload (fn)
Bind a function to the unload event of each matched element
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