Besides, use OR or | If you want to find pages that contain 1 or both keywords. For example, when you want to find information about Android or iPhone, enter keywords as follows:
android OR iphone
android | Iphone
Add site parameters to find information in a certain website address, similar to Google. Examples are as follows:
site: usb boot
On the other hand, Bing has a mechanism to search documents in a certain format by inserting the filetype option :. For example:
filetype: pdf bing
In fact, Bing cannot index all file formats at the user's discretion. If you want to find public domains on mp3, the following command will not bring any results:
filetype: mp3 public domain
Instead, enter the keyword containing the 'public domain' as below:
contains: mp3 public domain
In fact, the main effect when searching this way is to narrow the gap between two keywords. For example, if typing bing near: 5 awesome as shown below, the system will display web pages containing 'bing' and 'awesome' separated within 5 words:
Use more ip options: to search website address via 1 corresponding IP address. The main syntax used here is of the form:
If you want to search by location, please add the loc option : as the example below:
loc: UK tourist attractions
When looking for interesting tours in the UK
Besides, using language: if you want to search by language. The full list of region, country and language codes you can refer directly here.
If you want to find the site's feed system that contains the content you want, insert the feed: as in the example below:
feed: geek
If you do not want to search the feed yourself, but only the website that has the feed system, use hasfeed:
hasfeed: geek
Good luck!