The 2-hour rule of geniuses like Einstein, Darwin and Nietzsche
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Einstein, Darwin and Nietzsche . these are the geniuses, because there are very useful inventions for humans. To get the title of genius, of course these people must have a different way of working and thinking. And the secret to their success is to take the time to think about everything in your life.
Albert Einstein was named a genius at the age of 16 with the idea of relativity.
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Albert Einstein is a very dreamy person. Relativity is the first milestone to establish the foundation for modern physics that he pursues later.
The interesting thing here is an anecdote about the great innovations arising from the thoughtless thought process. Historically, celebrities such as Charles Darwin or Friedrich Nietzsche have argued that their genius thoughts were created from long periods of time they were immersed in their thoughts.
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This sounds contrary to our thoughts and practices today. In order to evaluate the performance of a person, we often rely on the number of working hours and the number of reports they have completed. And this raises a question: Is it going to happen with these geniuses at random? If not, what is the condition?
The power of thoughtful moments
According to experts, our human brain will function when we think like this: 'Stubborn thinking allows our minds to be free to fly. But it makes the results better when you have to solve complex problems or create creative solutions and ideas. '
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Rule of 2 hours
Every week, usually on Thursday, spend 2 hours just thinking.
It may be in the evening, dismiss all concerns, especially electronic devices like phones or laptops. Just put in front of a notebook and a pen.
Here are some questions you can focus on thinking:
- Am I interested in what I am doing or just walking indefinitely?
- Is there a tradeoff between work and my relationships?
- How do I speed up on the road to my goal?
- Is there any big opportunity I can pursue and skip?
- What is small but will create a great impact?
- Is there anything bad that could happen to me in the next 6 months?
When you take the time to think about these questions, it will help you gain balance in your life, as well as capture what is happening or about to happen.
Without his empirical thoughts, Einstein is just a normal person like us. And like Einstein, Darwin and Nietzsche, surely they will have to struggle with ideas without walking and thinking.
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A 24-hour day, during that time, spend about 2 hours on your own to start thinking about the problems in life you are having. At that time, your mind is free to jump, think about many different things, and if possible, use the questions above to set yourself up. This will help you a lot in life.
Today, in fact, even when busy, we can easily waste time having useless things that don't bring much value. If a normal person can spend 2 hours a day surfing Facebook, a few hours a week to rearrange life doesn't seem to be an excessive demand. That's a pretty low price to pay to get a big and stable result.
And know, it can change your life.
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