Laptop will have SDXC memory card slot

Dell, HP and Lenovo are designing new laptops equipped with 2 TB SDXC memory card slots that will be introduced early next year.

Dell, HP and Lenovo are designing new laptops equipped with 2 TB SDXC memory card slots that will be introduced early next year.

According to Dailytech, early next year, the new laptop of the companies mentioned above switched to 32 nm Intel processor i3, i5 and i7 processor technology will be integrated SDXC memory card slot.

Laptop will have SDXC memory card slot Picture 1Laptop will have SDXC memory card slot Picture 1
SDXC memory card has high capacity and speed of data retrieval. (Photo: Dailytech) .

SDXC memory cards are up to 2 TB in capacity and while the data output is 300 MB / sec faster than the current SSD solid-state hard drive. SD eXtended Capacity SDXC card exFAT format can hold up to 4,000 RAW 100 HD movies, and record 60 hours of HD resolution. Currently, USB ports are not enough to download 104 MB SDXC memory cards per second, but thanks to the PCI Express slot.

Besides Dell, HP and Lenovo, according to Electronista , many other firms have also been interested in the issue, but have yet to rush to disclose information. For example, Apple suddenly put the SD (SDHC-compatible) memory card slot on the iMac and MacBook Pro desktops earlier this year, and now has a lot of upgrades.

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