Is it really economical to unplug the TV?

Should the television be turned off by unplugging the power cord? Does this really save electricity?

In each of our families, surely every family uses a lot of adapters. Adapter is a voltage converter between electronic devices that uses 220V power down to a lower DC voltage. Devices that normally use this Adapter include laptops, smartphones, cameras .

Many families often have the habit of unplugging the power cord to save some electricity consumption (because if turned off by remote, the TV is only in standby mode ie still using a certain amount of electricity).

Is it really economical to unplug the TV? Picture 1Is it really economical to unplug the TV? Picture 1

In addition, pulling out the power cord will certainly create a sense of peace of mind for the family, less worry about fire and explosion issues. Therefore, for families with small children, parents often have a habit of withdrawing the wires completely.

But this habit is not really power saving, besides turning off the electronic devices often can reduce the life of the device.

To prove this right, we can do a small experiment right away. Use a device that measures power consumption, then turn off the TV by remote, and after about 10 minutes of shutdown, the power consumption will decrease from 200W to 1.8W. This figure shows the power consumption of the TV when plugged in without turning very low. With a power consumption of 1.8W, in 1 month of continuous connection, the TV will only consume 1.8 x 24 x 30 = 1296Wh = 1.29kWh (electricity number).

Please calculate the current electricity price, the lowest frame is 1.4 thousand VND a number and the highest frame is 2.2 thousand VND a number, we will lose about 1 thousand 800 VND to 2 thousand 800 VND in 1 month when Do not unplug the TV.

Is it really economical to unplug the TV? Picture 2Is it really economical to unplug the TV? Picture 2

You can see, when plugged in without turning on, the power consumption is not too high. Besides this it is also extremely protective for your device. By unplugging and plugging the power cord to turn off the TV, it will gradually affect the life expectancy. This action, will cause the power to go into the television is not completely stable, due to continuous charging.

In addition, if you suddenly unplug the power cord without turning off the TV power first, it will cause the filament lamp to be easy to hit, easy to fire and quickly damage the TV, potentially fire.

So how to turn on and off the TV properly?

Although unplugging the power cord for your TV will save you some electricity, it is not so much that you can trade it off with the life of the TV. In addition, in normal voltage conditions, it is safe to turn off the TV by remote as well as the power button on the TV, not to the danger level.

Is it really economical to unplug the TV? Picture 3Is it really economical to unplug the TV? Picture 3

Therefore, if the family regularly uses television, you should turn off the TV by remote, if more careful, you can press the power button on the TV to be fine, never turn off the TV by suddenly unplugging the power.

The power cord should only be removed completely, if your family does not use the TV for many days, or the weather conditions are rainy and stormy, the electricity should be drained safely.

Note that before unplugging the power cord, you must turn it off with the remote first.

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