How to have a savings wedding?

The suggestions below will help you organize an economical wedding but equally impressive.

To organize a wedding, you need a lot of money to spend on items such as wedding dresses, wedding rings, wedding ceremonies, renting wedding venues, preparing wedding ceremonies . If there is no condition, you Should not be too fussy, organize a grand and luxurious wedding. The cost of the wedding is too great to make you have no money to spend on your honeymoon and to make capital for family life later.

Here are suggestions to help you save a wedding but equally impressive.

1. Choose the wedding season

You should not hold a wedding in the high season because at that time the prices for services such as caskets, weddings, restaurants . will be very expensive.

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If the wedding is held in a cool weather season, you will reduce a significant amount of expenses for renting industrial fans, soft drinks, ice .

2. Choose an early wedding day

Choosing your wedding date early will give you plenty of time to learn, shop and prepare for the wedding. Comparing prices in many places and choosing the times with promotions to go shopping will help you save a cost.

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Besides, you can go to the restaurants, wedding halls to choose where there is space suitable for your wedding. No need to choose a location that is too big, will be expensive. Moreover, if you book a restaurant early, it will be cheaper than placing it close to the date.

3. Choose a simple wedding ring

Wedding rings will be lifelong things, not used for sale so you don't need to spend too much money to buy a 18k gold ring (70% gold content), a 14k gold ring (gold content 58 , 5%) is enough for you to have a beautiful, sparkling ring.

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Moreover, gold prices fluctuate, fluctuate and fluctuate, so you can choose the time when the price of gold drops to buy wedding rings.

Simple rings, not too picky, will have cheaper wages. There is no need to choose a ring with too many stones attached, which is inconvenient for future activities, and make you spend a lot more for your wedding ring.

4. Choose wedding dress

For brides, you should not sew or buy wedding dresses because this dress is only worn once in your life, the price is very expensive, up to several tens of millions of dong. If you want to keep it just as a souvenir, it will be very wasteful or if you want to wear it again in your wedding anniversary later, the dress is no longer fashionable.

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Many wedding dress rental shops always have promotions that come with or have places to dispose of old wedding dresses that are very cheap. Please refer to many stores to choose a beautiful dress and save costs.

You can use the ao dai during the meal ceremony to wear in the evening to receive guests, or make use of your available dresses or borrow friends around to avoid spending too much money on bridal costumes.

For the groom's outfit, take advantage of the inherent white shirt and just buy an elegant suit. You can use the usual leather shoes to make wedding shoes or borrow from friends around.

5. Wedding goods shopping

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Instead of going to furniture stores, getting to the furniture factory to place a wedding bed and wedding dresser would be much cheaper. Blankets, sheets, pillows, and cushions you can buy at stores that have discount programs or buy fabrics to bring out garments according to the available models, will be very beautiful, no less than buying.

If you two live separately and need to buy things like: fans, refrigerators, televisions, stoves, microwave ovens . you can buy second hand items. Many places sell used electronics and still use them well.

6. Take wedding photos

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Take a wedding photo in a nearby location or shoot in the studio to save travel costs and not feel tired and heavy when traveling continuously on a long distance.

Only enlarge 2 photos to hang at the bride's and groom's house. Making a simple album with soft material, no need to print too many big and heavy albums. Choose the best photos to print without printing too much will cost a lot of money, the remaining types you can copy to usb or create a video to print the disc to save.

7. Print wedding cards

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The wedding card is only informative and invites people to attend their wedding. After that, it was also thrown aside by the guests. So you should not choose a wedding card that is too expensive, even if it is only under VND 5,000, but multiplying it in large numbers will cost you a significant amount.

Consider which guests you can call or invite directly to reduce the number of unnecessary invitations. And only send invitation cards to those close to whom you really want them to your wedding.

8. Ceremonies

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Ceremonies during the day of interrogation are often asked by families at wedding services at prices that are not cheap. Instead, you can rent caskets and decorate the offerings on it yourself. Arrange the pancakes, pancakes (cake of Lady Martha) into a very simple triangle, or display an areca chamber with cigarette packs very easily. For fruit caskets, you can ask the family craftsmen to decorate or place a fruit basket outside. With this preparation, you only spend ¼ of the amount compared to placing a casket in the shop.

If the family on both sides is not too sophisticated, demanding formally, the ceremony to ask only 5 caskets is enough.

9. Use fake flowers

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Using fake flowers in the wedding will help you not to change flowers continuously in the wedding day. It is possible to make use of this fake flower for the day of patience, the day of eating, the reception and wedding day.

With rich materials and simple ways to do it, you can make fake flowers for your wedding and you can even make beautiful wedding bouquets that only take a very small amount of money.

10. Estimate guests

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You should only invite your loved ones to make the wedding so cozy and fun.

With your relationships, you can anticipate who is busy, who is far away will not be able to attend the wedding. After that, estimate the number of guests and prepare the wedding ceremony accordingly so as not to have too many excesses, causing waste.

11. Choose the wedding party menu

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The menu for weddings does not need too many sophisticated dishes, just full of main dishes, side dishes, basic dishes in a wedding ceremony is enough, too much food will cause excess and waste.

You should choose seasonal dishes of ingredients. At the time of the wedding is the season of any kind of food, you can choose suitable dishes to be cheap as well as to ensure food safety and hygiene.

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