Interesting facts about deflection sure you haven't heard before
Did you know, people fart 14 times / day, women "bombing" smelly than men, people continue to deflate after death .
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Farting, also known as middleware, farting is one of the essential functions for human survival. Here are interesting things about this important "natural phenomenon" of humans!
1. Each person will fart 14 times a day
On average, each person will fart 14 times a day and one person can create devastating energy equivalent to an atomic bomb if he deflates continuously for 6 years and 9 months.
Interesting facts about deflection sure you haven't heard before Picture 1
2. The volume of a normal bomb is . 100ml
On average, once you blow, you will emit about 100ml of gas and spread it around in less than 2 seconds.
3. Women who blow bombs . are more smelly than men
It sounds funny and fabulous but it is true. According to a study by Professor Michael Levitt of Stanford University, in the same unit of volume, having the ratio of H2S in women's "bomb" is much higher than that of men. The reason is that the inside of a woman's body already has more H2S than men.
In addition, one study showed that if women ate the same food in equal amounts, women tended to deflate more than men.
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3. Our "rotten bomb" smells . sweet
When it comes to farting, we only think of one smell that is hard to smell, but our "bomb" fact releases three different types of smell. Depending on the digestive food, the body will release different types of chemicals, causing the "bomb" to smell differently.
The smell of rotten eggs is the most common, because it contains a lot of Hydrosulfite (H2S). If there is a lot of methanethinol (CH3HS) - appears in the process of decomposing hydrosulfite, when you defuse it, there will be a "rotten vegetable" odor.
If in your "gas" contains dimethyl sulfide, it will smell "sweet".
4. Farting speed can be up to 3m / s
Each "drop bomb" will have different speeds but we often send off an unpleasant smell after about 10-15 seconds after others deflate. The reason is that it takes a while for the smell to spread to your nose.
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5. Eating red meat makes the bomb smelly
The compounds of sulfur, especially methanethiol, the most smelly substance are abundant in red meat.
If you eat a lot of red meat, the digestion process will release these compounds and form bombs with tremendous "destructive" power.
6. For some cultures, deflating is no big deal
In many cultures, deflating in public or workplaces is a very embarrassing and disrespectful act. But in some places, farting in crowded places is a very normal and accepted action, even interesting. In South America there is an Indian tribe that considers deflated as a greeting, and in China smelling the smell of farting for people is a real job.
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In ancient times, Emperor Claudius enacted a law that forced people to join a farting feast for fear of keeping a lot of gas in the body that would adversely affect their health.
7. Never stop farting
Stopping can cause discomfort, flatulence sometimes deflating can cause hemorrhoids or intestinal enlargement.
Even if you hold on and hold back so you don't fart all day long, when your body relaxes, they will try to escape.
8. Gas leak easily
In the gases emitted when deflating with methane and hydrogen, the ability to catch fire is very high. At parties, some people want to make fun by lighting a lighter when deflating, but this is actually quite dangerous.
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9. Termites have a greater deflated performance than any other species
Most animals are farting, but the species with the highest deflection rate on Earth is the small termite. More deflated than any other animal, the amount of methane produced by the deflection of the term is estimated to be between 2-22 Tg per year, accounting for 5% of the total global methane.
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10. People continue to deflate after death
After about 3 hours of death, the exhaust in the body of the dead person will find a way to escape at the ends of the digestive tract, leading to burping or deflating sounds. This phenomenon is caused by muscles contracting and expanding in the small hole on the corpse.
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