The unbelievable truth about 'farting' of animals

It is estimated that the amount of methane emitted by elephants every day can be enough for a vehicle to travel more than 30 kilometers.

Farting is a natural reaction of most animals. Of course, the deflection of each species is different but there are a number of animals that have different frequency and composition compared to the rest, which makes us not be surprised.

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The unbelievable truth about 'farting' of animals Picture 1The unbelievable truth about 'farting' of animals Picture 1
Did you know, cows are one of the most deflated animals in the world, 500kg of methane gas per day, equivalent to the operation of an oil factory.It is the digestion of food (plants) by fermentation in the stomach that produces more excess gas that accumulates in the abdomen and forces them to be released.

The unbelievable truth about 'farting' of animals Picture 2The unbelievable truth about 'farting' of animals Picture 2
Elephants are not ruminants but they still release an amazing amount of fart.It is estimated that the amount of methane emitted by elephants every day can be enough for a vehicle to travel more than 30 kilometers.

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Do not underestimate the small termites, the amount of emissions they emit is not less.According to one study, the amount of methane released by the environment accounts for 5% of global methane.

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Each year, a medium sized horse can produce 9 tons of manure, which means that the amount of steam they produce is not small at all.According to researchers, horses can emit nearly 20kg of methane per year.

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Sheep are also hybrid animals so the amount of methane they release is quite high.They can produce 8kg of methane per year.

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In addition to farting, goats also release methane into the environment through breaths and feces.

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Pigs suffer from "unfairness" when not many people think that they are the species that produce the most methane gas.In fact, pigs produce about 1.5 kg of methane each year.

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