What is the most terrible smell in the world?

Until now, scientists still do not have the correct answer to this question. Many people have come up with different answers from their own experiences from the smell of a decaying sea turtle, rotten foot odor or cheesy cheeses ...?

Until now, scientists still do not have the correct answer to this question. Many people have come up with different answers from their own experiences from the smell of a decaying sea turtle, rotten foot odor or cheesy cheeses .?

  1. The unbelievable truth: Dog feet have an attractive smell of popcorn
  2. This is why beer, wine, bottled orange juice smell fishy

A female editor of Theverge said that the most terrible smell could be the smell of a cyst in her right breast after surgery to remove it. According to her, it synthesizes a lot of horrible smells like dirty smells after gym, rotten meat smell, fertilizer smells, urine smells, smells in chicken cages, garbage and even smells of exhaust gases.

Jeff W. Higdon, a biologist said, " To me, the most horrid smell is the smell of a whale that died about six weeks after my group had to deal with it in 2003."

What is the most terrible smell in the world? Picture 1What is the most terrible smell in the world? Picture 1

Many other opinions suggest that the most terrible smell in the world is the smell of cat urine, the smell of decaying bodies, the smell of bats or anything related to fish .

And the most agreed opinion and the brightest candidate for the most scary smell is the smell of dead tortoise. According to biologist David Steen "Once, I discovered a large turtle lying dead on the road between the heat of summer. I just pulled it on the back of the pickup truck and vomited ." Steen adds, he often works with reptiles and they really smell bad even when they are alive. The smell is even more terrible when they die, especially in the hot sun.

Those are just some of the ideas given by those who have had the most scary experience. Have you ever had an unforgettable experience of smell, what is it?

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