Installation instructions C
Install the IDE to compile and execute C
To compile and execute C programs, you need to use an IDE like Dev-C ++, Code :: Blocks, or Turbo C. C programs in this series are compiled and executed in Dev-C ++.
You access the following link to download Dev-C ++: Download Dev-C ++ . This page also has Code :: Blocks. After you have finished downloading, follow the instructions to install Dev-C ++ to install and compile C.
If you're just learning code, not programming a specific program, you can use online C compilers to write code quite well.
Installation to run on Command Prompt
If you want to install to compile and run on Command Prompt, you should read the following.
If you want to install C program, you need to use 2 software on your computer: (a) Text editor - Text Editor and (b) C compiler.
Text Editor
Used to edit programs. For example, some editor like Window Notepad, Notepad ++, vim or vi .
The names and versions of editor programs may vary according to the operating system. For example, Notepad is used on Windows, or vim or vi is used on Linux or UNIX.
The files you create in the editor are called source files and contain code programs. Files in program C are usually named with the ".c" extension.
Before starting your program, make sure you have an editor on your computer and you have enough experience to write computer programs, store them in files and execute them.
Compiler C
The source code is written in the source file in a readable form. It will be compiled into machine code, so that the CPU can execute these programs based on the written commands.
The compiler is used to compile your source code to an executable program. I assume you have a basic knowledge of a programming language compiler.
The most commonly used compiler is the GNU C / C ++ compiler, on the other hand you can have other compilers like HP or Solaris with the corresponding OS.
Below is a tutorial on how to install the GNU C / C ++ compiler on different operating systems. I am referring to C / C ++ because the GNU compiler gcc works for both C and C ++ languages.
Install on UNIX / Linux environment
If you are using Linux or UNIX , you can check the GCC set installed on your environment by the following command:
$ gcc - v
If you have the GNU installer on your computer, then it will respond to the following message:
Using built - in specs . Target : i386 - redhat - linux Configured with : ./ configure -- prefix =/ usr .. Thread model : posix gcc version 4.1 . 2 20080704 ( Red Hat 4.1 . 2 - 46 )
If the GCC is not installed, you can install it with the instructions on the link below:
This tutorial is written based on Linux and all examples are compiled on the Cent OS of the Linux system.
Install on Mac OS environment
If you use Mac OS X, the easiest way to get GCC is to download the Xcode development environment, you can use the GNU compiler for C / C ++.
Xcode is available under the following link:
Install on Windows
To install GCC on Windows you need to install MinGW. To install MinGW, go to , and follow the instructions on this download page. Download the latest version for MinGW program, under the name of MinGW-.exe.
When installing MinWG, you must at least install gcc-core, gcc-g ++, binutils and MinGW runtime, but you can install more.
Adding the bin directory in the place where MinGW is installed into your PATH environment variable , you can directly use the tools as an easy command line.
Once the installation process is complete, you can run gcc, g ++, ar, ranlib, dlltool and other GNU tools on the Windows command line.
According to Tutorialspoint
Previous article: Example of Message in HTTP
Next lesson: Basic C program structure
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